Home / Lower back pain: causes, treatment, in men, in women during pregnancy / Sore lower back 37 weeks pregnant, what could it be

Sore lower back 37 weeks pregnant, what could it be

Most women "in position" a sore lower back. At 37 weeks of pregnancy these painful feelings come to a head, because the stomach is maximally increased and has a lot of pressure on the lower back. This is a normal process and usually does not require treatment. However, about any uncomfortable feelings at this time, it is advisable to tell your doctor. Only in rare cases the doctor take some action. In order not to hurt the baby, it is better to abandon the pain and focus on pain prevention.

Pochemu bolit poyasnica na 37 nedele beremennosti?

37 weeks pregnant

At the 37th week of pregnancy starts the last month of gestation. Approaching childbirth, and at this stage already will not be considered premature. You need to be ready for the ride to the hospital.

By this time the baby is ready for birth. It is capable of sucking a breast, his digestive system can process breast milk. Under the skin has gained quite a lot of fatty tissue – the skin was almost completely smooth. Adipose tissue also provides a good heat in the body of the newborn.

There is less and less space in the uterus. Fetal movement can sometimes bring the pain for this reason. The belly goes down, which frees up the breathing, but increases the load on the sacrum and lower back. In many cases, a sore lower back.

Causes of lower back pain

90% of women experience how much can the back pain at 37 weeks of pregnancy. It is a natural physiological process, caused by changes in the musculoskeletal system of the pregnant woman and the increased load on the lower back. Lumbar vertebrae and so can withstand the greatest load all the time while a person walks, stands or sits.

In the case of a pregnant woman, this load is growing rapidly – sometimes up to a pound per week. Unfortunately, evolutionary human bones and cartilage not adapted to such changes. Bones and ligaments become softer to expand and give rise to the uterus. Of the thirty-seventh week, these changes reach climax, and pain in the lumbar region become the strongest in the entire pregnancy.

During pregnancy a woman is overtaken by the change of position of the femur-sacral ligaments. The great weight of the belly changes the balance, and the expectant mother has to bend the cervical spine, bring the shoulders back. The spine while bending forward. As a result, the load on the lower back grows stronger, her deformed intervertebral discs.

Thus, the main causes of lower back pain the following:

  • The growth of the uterus and of the fetus;
  • Change the direction of the load;
  • A new type of posture and gait;
  • Weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • The expansion of the pelvic bones;
  • Pseudo contractions.

As you can see, lower back pain at the end of pregnancy is normal, and in most cases should not be cause for alarm. Excitement now supposed to be only a pleasant – going to the hospital, finish the preparations for the appearance of a baby into the world.


But from time to time pain in the lumbar region are a cause for concern. Sometimes it may happen that their cause is not only natural, healthy changes. To contribute to lumbar pain of the expectant mother and create other unpleasant symptoms of illness and traumatic impact.

pochemu bolit poyasnica na 37 nedele beremennosti

The most common complication of normal changes in the female body during pregnancy is the so – called symphysis. In this pathology too much swollen tissue is stretched and lunar articulation. The source of this injury is a calcium deficiency and endocrine disorders. Tissues become too soft and stretch to the pubic area. Here is a short list of symptoms about which it is better to tell your doctor:

  • Sore pubic, inguinal, lumbar, and pelvic area;
  • Swollen pubis;
  • If you lie on your back, the lower limbs to lift nearly impossible;
  • Shooting pain occurs when movements, even turns in bed;
  • If you click on the bone of the pubis, it is typical and unpleasant clicks. In addition, depression will be painful;
  • It turns out to walk only very short steps.

The symphysis is not treatable during pregnancy. You can ease the pain with drugs, vitamin-mineral complexes. Do not neglect special support underwear for pregnant women. With much greater care than with a healthy pregnancy,treat safety – avoid strenuous exercise, hard surfaces, fatigue.

Injury and disease

It may be that the cause of lower back pain at 37 weeks – in your old diseases and injuries. Or new, developed or aggravated on the background of the processes occurring in the pregnant body.

The reason for abnormally severe pain in the loins and other symptoms may include:

  • Osteochondrosis and other degeneration of the spine. The problem here is that the painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory during pregnancy use is not allowed. They are harmful to the digestion even of an adult. Therefore, the only treatment of the pain attacks is prevention. External funds can be used only with permission of a doctor;
  • Inflammation, kidney stones. The pain experienced in the lower back, lower extremities, groin and pelvis. In addition, fever, you experience shooting pain during urination. It is sometimes difficult to urinate, therefore because of excess moisture appear swelling;
  • The vertebrae and joints of the lower back during pregnancy experience a smooth, but constant strain. On the background of this process can "haunt" the long pain of the injury.

Hypertonicity of the uterus

Such a diagnosis can be made due to high testosterone levels and poor functioning of the ovaries. This happens when inflamed pelvic organs, or a woman experiencing too much physical and mental stress. In some severe cases a mother's body may not understand that the womb is a child, and perceives the fetus as a foreign object. This can happen if certain chains of chromosomes from the mother and father are very similar.

If a woman repeatedly terminated a pregnancy or lost a child, the risk of uterine hypertonus is much higher.

The symptoms can include the following:

  • Dragging pain in the lumbar region;
  • The pain gives to the pubic bone;
  • Pressive pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Shooting pains of the lower back, irradiiruet in legs – Sciatica.

If you experience such unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy go to the doctor, he will suggest the most suitable solution:

  • Muscle relaxants, they relieve spasms of muscles. But these products work through the blood and can be dangerous for the baby. In any case, do not use them without a doctor's prescription;
  • Sedatives may help if the root of the hypertonicity – excessive mental stress;
  • Magnesium mineral complexes. Magnesium does not allow calcium to get into muscles and cause her spasmodic contractions.


Under unbearable pain or sciatica you need to find a cure local use, which does not get into your blood and through it in the baby's blood. Your doctor will help you pick up the funds.

At 37 weeks of pregnancy difficult to treat back pain. Even if starts unbearably sore lower back at 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is not necessary to stuff yourself with painkillers. Preference is given to preventive methods.

kak ustranit bol v poyasnice pri beremennosti

Among them:

  • Reducing the load on the lumbar region – less go and lean;
  • In any case, do not lift anything heavy;
  • If you sit for a long time, from time to time do a little workout;
  • If you have to sit, try to shift body weight to the backrest;
  • Don't sleep on too soft or too hard surfaces. Ideally, get an orthopedic mattress;
  • Visit the gymnastics courses for pregnant women, or choose a course of exercise therapy individually with your doctor;
  • Wear a bandage for pregnant women;
  • This advice applies to earlier date to the end of pregnancy not to suffer, not too Tolstaya in the course of its flow. Extra pounds cause strain on the lower back.

Despite the fact that lower back problems in pregnant women is normal, any symptoms it is better to tell your doctor if you are pregnant. Especially this late as week 37.

Close attention should be paid to your clothes. For example, the shoes need to pick up that she absolutely does not restrict the foot. However, she does not have to be the woman big. In front of the longest toe should be a gap of about the width of a thumb. On the sides of the shoes should also not reap.

No tight, constricting jackets and pants don't fit. Lower back pain after wearing such clothes will only become stronger. Bra straps is better to choose wide – so it will be more comfortable, and the load on the spine will be reduced.