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Lumbodynia lumbar spine: treatment, symptoms, what is it

Lumbodynia lumbar spine syndrome with characteristic pain in the lumbar region. Appears after you damage muscle fibers and cartilage of the intervertebral disc. Muscle spasms occur at high physical exertion or weak core strength back.

Lumbodynia lumbar and sacral spine occurs in osteochondrosis, trauma, spondylosis, spondylosis.

Lumbalgiya poyasnichnogo otdela pozvonochnika lechenie

What is lumbodynia?

Lumbalgia is severe back pain accompanying various diseases of the back muscles and spine. Occurs when weight lifting, sudden bending, chronic inflammatory processes. The pain arises due to problems with the spine, lumbar muscles, internal abdominal organs and impairment of the nerve roots. Can manifest in the lower back, legs, buttocks and perineum. Ignore pain, you risk losing the ability to work or become disabled. Localization lumbodynia occurs in the fourth, fifth lumbar vertebrae. Less damaged upper vertebrae.


Great physical exertion lead to severe pressure on joints and inflammation. In muscles and fascia arise the painful area. When muscle tension the patient feels pain in the lower back.

Static: sedentary work, sleep in an uncomfortable position. When a person for a long time in an uncomfortable position occur painful muscle spasms in the back. Pregnancy, rapid weight gain and increased pressure on the spine. Swelling occurs because of fluid retention. Appear pain.

Lumbalgiya poyasnichnogo otdela pozvonochnika

The lack of exercise. Passive way of life, small physical loads impair blood circulation, reduce the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, muscles weaken. There is a hypertrophy, closer to the vertebrae and compressed spinal nerves.

Not correct posture – displacement of the vertebrae, wear and tear of tissues of the intervertebral discs. As a consequence of inflammation and pain. Hypothermia – vascular spasms, poor circulation, inflammation of the joints. Overweight – an increased load on the intervertebral discs. Stress muscle spasms, poor circulation.

Changes in spine with age the muscles weaken, intervertebral discs lose their elasticity, joints are degrading, deteriorating posture. Pain occur in seventy five percent of people over fifty-five years.

Trauma – compression fractures, offset discs, torn ligaments and soft tissue swelling, increased pressure on the spinal nerve, acute pain. Occur when lifting, falls, accidents.

Low back pain – wear and tear of the intervertebral discs, swelling, inflammation. Protrusion – a bulging of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc. Hernia – extension of nucleus pulposus through the annulus squeezes the spine nerve and have pain. Arthritis – inflammation and increased stress on the joints of the spine, erasing cartilage.

Degenerative changes in the muscles – weak muscles provide poor support of the spine increases the pressure on intervertebral discs and joints. Lesion of ligaments of the spine sprains, torn ligaments, increasing the distance between the vertebrae.

The narrowing of the spinal canal, degenerative vertebral processes contribute to growth of bone tissue. There is pain in the area of the buttocks and thighs. Cauda equina syndrome – swollen, inflammation, trauma and hernias cause the deterioration of the pelvic organs and lower extremities, impaired urination, defecation, paralysis of the legs.

Spondylitis – an inflammatory disease of the spine. In the body of the vertebra increases the amount of bacteria and cause destruction of the affected intervertebral disc, the reduced distance between the vertebrae. Narrows the spinal cord canal and pain occur.

Osteoporosis – affected vertebra becomes brittle. Decreasing the distance between the vertebrae, the nerve root, radicular artery and vein are compressed. Swelling begins, malnutrition of the spinal cord.


  • Painmuscle tension in the lumbar spine. Pain syndrome increases with the static, dynamic loads and palpation of the affected area of the back;
  • The patient is unable to bend, straighten back;
  • Acute pain in the lumbar region when coughing, sneezing, shouting, deep breathing;
  • Spasms of the back muscles;
  • Shooting pain, the deterioration of sensitivity in the lower extremities.

CHto takoe lumbalgiya poyasnichno krestcovogo otdela pozvonochnika


The attending physician must determine the causes of disease and the further methods of struggle. Before therapy conducted a comprehensive examination of the patient. A specialist will diagnose the disease based on characteristic symptoms. Next is specialized diagnostics:

  • X-rays in multiple projections;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Ultrasound.


Assigned to medical, chiropractic and physiotherapy.

Treatment of lumbalgia lumbar spine restores the elasticity of the cartilage tissues. The doctor spends the relief of muscle spasms and restores the metabolism between mice, cartilage.

An acute attack of pain is removed with the help of pharmacological medicine and manual therapy. Next is the stage of recovery through therapeutic exercises, massage, reflexology. Only a comprehensive approach will help to restore the health of the patient.


  • Optimize the mode of work and rest;
  • Monitor physical activity;
  • Consume vitamin D, minerals, proteins;
  • Fight with addictions;
  • Go swimming, but only in mild form of the disease.


The surgery is performed under General anesthesia. Remove the damaged part of the cartilage, discs and replace them with plates, spokes, struts. This is followed by the rehabilitation process. The basis of the restoration process: the diet and avoiding physical exertion.


In most cases, patients seek help for pain management. Intramuscular injections of painkillers and massage.

  • Mydocalm, Baclofen, Sirdalud – reduce muscle tension, pain, ease movement;
  • Nimesulide – relieves inflammation, pain and swelling. Reduces the breakdown of cartilage;
  • Diclofenac – anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect;
  • Actovegin, Pentoxifylline – decreases vasoconstriction, pain, muscle spasm;
  • Nimesulide-gel Deep relief gel – anti-inflammatory effect. Reduce the swelling;
  • The solution Dimexidum and novocaine – anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain in muscles and joints. Penetrates deep into the tissues. Characterized by a strong analgesic effect.

Lumbalgiya poyasnichnogo otdela pozvonochnika chto eto takoe

Recommendations for medical treatment:

  • Bed rest;
  • Hard sleeper;
  • Lumbar corset;
  • Compresses warming ointment and wool belt.

Physical therapy

The short-pulse electroanalgesia – the impact of short impulses, blocking the pain. Pulsed electric impact improves blood flow, removes lactic acid.

Diadynamic therapy – diadynamic pulse currents of different frequencies. Decreased sensitivity of pain receptors, increases production of endorphins. Improves blood circulation, venous outflow. Reduced inflammation and swelling.

Electrophoresis – direct current and pain medicine. Achieved the concentration of the drug in the affected area, decreasing pain.

Magnetic-laser therapy – magnetic field and laser radiation. Reduces pain, inflammation, improves regeneration in the damaged tissues.

Lumbalgiya poyasnichnogo otdela pozvonochnika chto eto

Magnetic therapy – permanent and variable magnetic fields. Reduces the sensitivity of receptors, giving an analgesic effect. Swelling reduced, restored blood flow.

Ultrasonic therapy – ultrasonic vibrations. Characterized mechanical, thermal, physico-chemical effects on the damaged tissue. Carries anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator effect.

Acupuncture – using acupuncture to reduce pain. The stimulation of secretion with the body's hormones.

Manual therapy relieves muscle spasms, swelling. Improves circulation, elasticity of the ligaments.


In the area of the affected area of the back injected the drug for pain relief. Effect to four days. A single blockade – single injection session. Exchange rate – every few days. The course may contain up to fifteen shots.

The blockade is, if the patient:

  • Severe pain in the lumbarDepartment;
  • Hernias;
  • Extensive inflammation of the ligaments, joints.

Folk remedies

Warming of the patient area of the spine with a spirit compress based on the colors of the dandelion, horse chestnut. Reduced pain, restored circulation. Warmed up the joints.

Compresses with leaves or roots of horseradish have a similar effect. Warming the damaged tissue, improving blood flow, reducing inflammation. Not recommended to apply the compress on for a long time and put children.

Rubbing pork fat – improves blood flow to the muscles, reduces pain. Conifer resin is used for rubbing and compresses. Ointment herbs: comfrey root, marshmallow, dandelion, herbs – lavender, cinquefoil, yarrow and horsetail.

Lumbalgiya spiny

General guidelines

  • Always keep the proper posture when you stand, sit, lift and carry gravity;
  • Every day exercise;
  • Try to avoid injuries, hypothermia;
  • Sleep on a rigid or semi-rigid mattress;
  • From the sixth month of pregnancy, apply the bandage;
  • Talk with your doctor.