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Folk remedy for back pain: what to do at home

Pain of the lumbar spine – a frequent phenomenon. When it begins to ache, it seems that the cause is the sciatica but it is not so simple. Pain has many causes, some of which is not even related to the pathologies or diseases of the spine. Pain in the lower back occur due to stress, diseases of the nervous or digestive system, problems with the bladder. Cause lower back pain can diseases of genitals, problems with blood vessels, sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, diseases of spinal muscles.

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Patients choose treatment lower back at home not out of love to self. And because I prefer the treatment of back pain without any extra costs. Treatment of folk remedies (decoctions and ointments on the basis of plants and products), gymnastic exercises, massage course at home really benefit, but suddenly a disease threat? Ill whether the person with sciatica, or just chill backfor the diagnosis you need to consult your doctor.


A neurologist will be the best to tell you how to treat the pain itself. Prescribe medications, injections, exercises, alternative methods of treatment. Self-medicate only after consultation with a specialist.

Tablets, ointments, injections, plasters

When shooting and aching in the lower back what to do at home, because the sharp pain brings a lot of inconvenience. First you need to reduce inflammation and speed up the metabolism. The doctor may prescribe:

  • Non-hormonal drugs, fighting with inflammation (Ibuprofen, Celecoxib, etc.);
  • Muscle Relaxants (Balcofen, Tizanidin);
  • Corticosteroids (Prednisone, Dexamethasone);
  • Narcotic analgesics (Codeine).

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At home allowed the use of ointments on the basis of diclofenac (Voltaren), asteroidov (Fastum Gel) and combined medication (deep relief).

Ointment irritate the affected area, increase blood flow to the site of inflammation and improve metabolism. Can be used in conjunction with a group of ointments, which include chondroprotector (symptoms and other drugs). These ointments restore cartilage and reduce the destruction process of cartilage.

Appointed injections of anesthetic drugs, along with vitamins and minerals. It is a Pyridoxine, and Lidocaine and a number of other drugs. Reduce inflammation in the lower back – Movies, Artrozan. Help to restore cartilage injections with drugs Mucosal or Chondrogen.

At home, use the patches. Mounted on the lower back, immediately bezbolevaya affected area without irritating the skin and not burning them. Patriotic patches: Voltaren, Healthy back etc. In China established a series of analogues in plant extracts, such as Black jade.

Physical therapy

If the back pain is not sharp attacks and constantly the best means to pain relief will be the complex of medical gymnastics, massage, mud treatment and paraffin. They reduce pain, increase blood circulation, adjust the disturbed nutrition of tissues, reduce inflammation and limitation of movement.


Physiotherapy aims to relieve pain, strengthen muscle tissue and the prevention of recurrent phenomena. Will help to heal the body, relieve stress and lift the spirit. Perform a simple set of exercises:

  1. The patient lies on the back and perform crunches. Legs bent and arms stretched out along the body. Gently with no sudden movements of the legs attach to the left side, and the head and trunk to the right. Return to the starting position. Switch to the opposite position.
  2. Do The "Cat." Getting on all fours, Flex the spine in 2 departments, arching up as if someone had hung back on the hook. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then return to the original starting position.
  3. Standing on all fours, put shoulders and chest on a chair or other support, and slowly smoothly pull the lumbar at first in left, then inright side.


Massage is easy to do at home. It is useful to use the oil for massage. Suitable mixture of oils of marjoram, oregano, juniper, lavender, sage and base oil (sunflower, vegetable, baby, olive, oil, wheat). The procedure for massage:

  1. Heat the back of the patient for 2-3 minutes, stroking hands.
  2. Rubs the skin of the upper phalanx of the thumb or the base of the palms, slowly moving in an upward circular motion (from the patient's lower back to the muscles near the spine).
  3. Loosen up tense muscles with two hands: one hand comes with a tap, and the second, on the contrary, lightly stroking, relaxing. Rise from the sides to the shoulders and finish by stroking the neck.

Treated with paraffin

Acute attacks facilitates paraffin, aimed at strengthening blood flow in tissues with compromised blood flow and vasodilation. This course is easy to apply at home. The essence of the procedure: warm melted wax is applied on the affected area with a brush in several layers. Average layer thickness: 10 millimeters. Can be impregnated with a paraffin cloth, apply a compress and cover the top with plastic wrap. Don't forget to heat wrap this is the place. The average course of treatment is from 10 to 30 days.

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Mud therapy

Compresses the mud to relieve pain and inflammation, resolve tumors. Purchase dirt can be in any cosmetic store and take a course of Grasmere without a visit to the sanatorium or hospital. But first you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications, because such therapy is not suitable for everyone.

For one treatment mix 100 grams of dirt with a tablespoon of liquid honey. Heated in a water bath to 40 degrees, stir until smooth. Apply a paste on the sore spot, covered and leave it to cool down for 4 hours, then wash off. Course of treatment: 10 days.

Alternative therapies

If you still thinking how to cure the lower back, consult your chiropractor. Manual therapy (acupuncture, vacuum therapy, folk remedies from the pain) removes the root cause of the pain, reduces inflammation and eliminates discomfort. Methods of pain in manual therapy: mobilization, manipulation, relaxation. Depending on the patient's needs are changing and direction of health programs, such as craniosacral or myofascial therapy.

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Vacuum massage

Vacuum therapy is based on the exposure glass or plastic jars with drained them of air. In fact, regular massage cupping. Enhances blood circulation in the affected tissues, improves elasticity of the ligaments, relieves the restriction of movement and pain. One treatment usually takes from 15 minutes to an hour.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies presented decoctions, extracts and infusions from plants and natural products. Folk remedy for back pain are aimed at warming the patient area of the back:

  • Bathroom with mustard: (200 grams of mustard powder is poured into a hot bath, the patient takes it, and after warmly dressed);
  • Wrap based on honey and vinegar (2 teaspoons of honey mixed with the same amount of vinegar). The mixture is placed on a cabbage leaf and placed on the lower back. Compress fix a warm scarf or a handkerchief;
  • Warming up the warm sand or salt, folded in a canvas bag, quickly relieves pain in the lumbar region.


Therapy is for the brave – acupuncture. Many patients fear that the injection needle will arise hellish pain. Acupuncture brings pain. The introduction of thin needles into biologically active points instantly eliminates the pain and raises vitality. The patient will feel with the introduction of the needles barely perceptible tingling.

Ways to prevent pain

The home treatment suitable for chronic diseases and will help to relieve the pain during an acute attack. Such treatment is equally effective for older and young people.

  • To help lower back at home need to actively move, to do exercises to strengthen back muscles and lower back. Do strengthening exercises should be no less than 3 times a day for 50 minutes. If the pain does not intensify, the therapeutic exercises are done every day for 25-30 minutes.
  • Along with the treatment should be strengthened and the abdominal muscles. The patient is recommended regular exercise in the pool, press the swing. When the spine is surrounded by strong muscles, the pain go away.
  • A place for sleeping must be equipped with hard orthopedic mattress. If discomfort in the lumbarnon-permanent, such measures will contribute to the full relaxation of the spine and prevent diseases of the spine.
  • Women should abandon wearing shoes with high heel and platform in favor of orthopedic shoes to reduce the load on the lower back and spine.