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Acute lower back pain: what treatment at home

Yourself to find out what caused the back pain, it is impossible. The cross in the back, scientifically speaking, lumbago, is felt in the lumbar region, accompanied by muscle spasms, aggravating the pathology. Sharp unbearable pain in the lower back are different reasons last from a few minutes to several months. The patient gets used to the painful condition, pain becomes part of life. Not going to the doctor, worsens health and lowers the chances of recovery.

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Pain syndromes

Pain occur at the age category of middle and Mature age. Stress, hypothermia, exercise untrained the body cause pain and limitation of actions. Back pain in the lumbar region are divided into two categories:

  • Primary;
  • Secondary.

The first is caused by abnormalities of the spine: atrophy of the ligaments, problems of tendons, intervertebral discs. Accompanied by a pinched nerve, followed by soreness of the lumbar region. Osteochondrosis affects the tissues bone and cartilage, leading to degeneration. The spondylosis affects the joints between the vertebrae responsible for the performance and flexibility of the spine.

The second category is devoted to the pathologies of the organs, infectious diseases, tumors, injuries, scoliosis. Includes rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, Reiter's, education on the vertebrae of the spinal cord.

In acute pain it could be: osteomalacia, diseases that violates the metabolism, osteoporosis.

Fractured vertebrae feel pain in the lower back to the right, and infection of the lower area of the back affects the discs between the spine tuberculosis, epidural abscess, brucellosis. When a stroke pathologies palpable pain in the sacral region of the spine.

Pain lumbar is divided into three types: chronic, acute, and intermittent.

The pain is sharp

  • Sharp pain in lower back left rear or right caused by stretching of the muscles. Appear limitation of movement, no discomfort in the legs, groin area;
  • Fractured vertebrae during excessive bending of the back, falling cause acute back pain. Cancer, Cushing's disease, Paget's disease, hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis affected vertebrae without breaking provided the outside pressure, accompanied by severe pain in the lower back left or right;
  • Displacement of intervertebral disc restricts movement and causes pain in the lower back right;
  • Instant pain can be due to facet syndrome. Pathology does not apply to disk, but without affecting the compressed nerve root emerging from the spinal canal, causing unpleasant sensations. Lower back pain on the right makes navigation difficult and limits the performance;
  • Sharp lower back pain occurs due to epidural abscess. The disease is diagnosed, treatment is provided immediately. Inflammation in the thoracic spine has pain when pressed and tapped, radiating to the lower back;
  • When lower back pain disease of the hip joint, for example, corsarios, give pain in lower back left buttocks and lower extremities to the knees.

Pain chronic

  • Effect on the spine is deforming spondylosis, increasing the volume of the bones, damaging the roots of the spine, narrowing the canal. Weakness of legs, numbness and other neurological symptoms due to the occurrence of intermittent claudication;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (enclosurei spondiloarthrosis) initial degree restricts movement of the patient, especially in the morning, reducing the efficiency of the thorax during breathing. X-ray allows you to commit the changes of the sacroiliac joints, which have a devastating effect on the area of the spine;
  • Oncology. Tumors, metastases, metabolic process. Spinal tumors, which include meningioma, neurofibroma, lipoma;
  • Osteomyelitis affects the sacrum, crying aching pain. Verified by x-rays bone tissue, breakdown of the skin with tuberculin, determine the ESR for the presence or absence of TB bacteria, staphylococci, and other media.

Pain intermittent type

Disease with a suddenly appearing pain to be felt at the left and right of the spine the lumbar region, not stiflemovements and determine where it is localized pain syndrome with a non-increasing force, hard. On the question of what to do when the lumbar region is sometimes sick, there is only one answer – ask for qualified medical help.

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Diseases of the organs

Problems of the hip bodies of the lower and upper abdomen are pain of different areas of the lower back. Action of the spine is not constrained, there are no local symptoms, pain does not increase. Often are the following diseases:

  • Kinds of tumors specific to the GI division, the pancreas, the colon, the duodenum;
  • The disease, called diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis;
  • Pathology of the pelvic organs in the chronic stage. Do not forget about carcinoma of the uterus or ovaries, endometriosis;
  • Renal colic developing during the progress of stones in the kidney tissue. Feels when she goes through the urinary path. The strongest of pain from stretching of the walls of large stones;
  • The male half of the population of the symptoms caused by purulent prostatitis, some anomalies of the testis;
  • The lumbar, thoracic pain in dissecting aortic aneurysm;
  • The Appendix, located atypically causes pain in the lower back and back. When inflammation of the pain syndrome on the right and felt in the lower back. The patient required emergency medical care.


Stay in bed, rest – the key to a speedy recovery. It is important to avoid fast movements when straightening, extension, do everything slowly. To go to the surface maximum rigidity, turning a standard mattress to a pillow top mattress, with carton Board or wooden sheet. During a hike to the toilet to use crutches and a special belt that stabilizes the lumbar spine.


Strengthening of pain reflex occurs when the muscle tension that affect the damaged area. To endure pain is to hurt the lower back, this is one of the most important rules of healing, so at hand must be painkillers.

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Recommended medications that can help relieve acute back pain, but the reception lasts longer than 3-5 days:

  • Sedalgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • Analgin;
  • Paracetamol.

If medications have not helped after half an hour or more, the reception is repeated. When not working, to achieve the effect take powerful means, but not longer than 2-3 times:

  • Tramalol;
  • Ketorol;
  • Diclofen;
  • Trigan;
  • Solpadein.

To remove muscle spasm with sharp pain in the back allows But-shpa, against the swelling pinched nerve root use herbal infusion, diuretic (Verspieren, Diakarb, Furosemide). Food affected area will add vitamin complexes with B12, B6, Pp. prefer minerals: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese. Reduce inflammation with Ibuprofen rectal suppositories.

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The question of how to relieve sharp lower back pain right side or the other, there are a few options:

  • Cream that contains horse chestnut;
  • Means with piroxicam, phenylbutazone or woltarena;
  • Drug – Naphazoline, Benzocaine, menthol drugs.

After three or four hours and rubbed in the ointment, giving preference to:

  • Finalgon;
  • First days without the cream;
  • Ointments with snake venom or bee. (Vibrators, Viprosal, Piperalin, Virapine, Apizartron).

There are contraindications for pregnant women, people who have problems with the liver, kidneys, have diabetes. Courses are held 5-6 days using drugs two or three times. Upon detection of allergic reactions of the skin to wet the cotton vodka, alcohol tincture, wipe the tool to take Tavegil, claritin.

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Self-massage is performed in sitting, standing or lying position. It raises the tone of the whole organism, improves the health of the kidneys, reduces acute low back pain.

  • The palm is heated, connecting together, holding between his knees, rubbing actively. Superimposed on the area of the lumbar, the warmth penetrates the body. The procedure is repeated five times;
  • Heated palms are attached to the lower area of the back, your thumbs are on the sides, go down. Others lay obliquely, the area is heated;
  • Lumbar massage with fingertips in the direction from top to bottom. Fingers placed perpendicular to the vertebrae of the spine, slowly advance a couple of inchessideways;
  • Clench fists, hold back part of the iliac bone;
  • Put on the lower back, the back part of the left hand, squeeze your right hand, knead with a circular motion the area of the spine.


Tissue back muscles relax when a person is resting on her belly, under which is placed a high pillow, and the arms are stretched forward. To stay on the back of the legs bend, the hips are transferred to a vertical position, placing a pillow under the Shin area.

Occasionally lifting the upper area of the body at the level of 45 degrees with a straight back and neck, the relief will come immediately. To posture on your side under the waist pillow.