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Sore sides on both sides of the back: treatment, causes, diagnosis

If a sore lower back on the sides, then the reason must be sought in the pathology of the nervous system, digestive tract. The premise may be a disease of the urogenital system disease of musculoskeletal system, respiratory system. The pain is manifested in the location. The character of the pain is different. The sooner the cause of the disease, why can hurt the sides back, the faster the doctor will prescribe treatment.

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Prerequisites discomfort may not be a disease, a muscle strain, for example, because of the constant posture sleep on one side or poor posture when the spine is twisted left or right. The pain begins and in the wind, a long stay in the cold. Carrying heavy loads in one hand for a long period of time can also hurt back in sides.

But often the pain in the side indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system. For example, the patient develops pleurisy, lung cancer or bronchi, pneumonia, etc.;
  • Problems with the kidneys or the genitourinary system (colic, prostatitis, etc.);
  • Gynecological pathology;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Diseases of the spine (hondros, osteomyelitis);
  • Injuries and contusions due to falls and other causes.

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The clinical picture

When pleurisy

The patient complained of a cutting pain in the sternum, aggravated by inspiration and expiration. Occur back pain above the waist.

When pneumothorax

Pain when this disease comes suddenly and unexpectedly. The patient feels pain in the back of the chest, rigirous in the blades.

Inflammation of the lungs

There is a periodic pain in the chest, shoulders. It becomes stronger when people cough or take a deep breath. When listening to the doctor hears rales in the lungs, sometimes the temperature rises, the patient has a fever.

For cancer

The character of the pain is different, depends on the stage of disease and localization of tumors. Symptoms of the disease, the disease is localized at the top of the lung, gives in the scapula, shoulder Department, hands. As development occurs soreness in the chest. It becomes stronger when sneezing, coughing, walking and other movements. If the affected nerve endings between the ribs, the pain are surrounding the character.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In case of cholecystitis and pancreatitis the nature of pain is shingles character. The pain with cholecystitis is given in the right hand, and with pancreatitis may become ill from the side to the left.

If a person starts to seize one of these diseases, discomfort and give pain in the chest, heart and shoulder blades, and can hurt sides with two sides from the back, giving the lower spine.

Kidney disease

If there is tenderness in the region of the kidneys and the pain is localized to the right, then comes the inflammatory process in the right kidney and Vice versa. In this case, the back hurts at the bottom.


The nature of the disease: bacterial defeat. People suffering from this disease, the symptoms is this: pain is aching in nature, the intensity can be different, sometimes there are bouts of pain. The patient feels fatigue and weakness, begin the urge to nausea and vomiting, a person feels cold. Occurs intoxication, fever.

Pyelonephritis, passed into the chronic stage, pain can wear aching in nature and localized in the lumbar. Uncomfortable sensations in the cool weather with high humidity.


In the process of development of the disease in the organs of the urinary system stones are formed. While the disease organs develop symptoms until the attack. When it starts a dull pain in the lower back, which when the load on the lower back, trip on uneven pavement, after a long walk becomes stronger.

If the stone plugged the ureter, the patient complains of acute attacks of pain, he feel sick, and vomit. In the urine there is blood.

Renal colic

The patient complains of pain, resembling labor, they do not change when finding the body at rest or when walking.

With the defeat of the nervous system and spinal cord

Often severe pain when the hernia begins. Often discomfort not only in the back, but Irigaray in the direction of pinched nerve.


With a sharp pain attack, you can take the medicine relieves the soreness, but remember that taking drugs complicates the correct diagnosis.

To diagnose doctors use such methods:

  • X-rays of the spine or lungs
  • An MRI or CT scan
  • Ultrasound examination of internal organs
  • A blood test for antibodies, General, markers, etc.
  • Analysis of urine, sputum
  • Irrigoradiography
  • Coprogram.

You should definitely consult a doctor if:

  • Highly elevated pulse
  • There is a confusion
  • High pressure
  • Dizzy
  • Patient has nausea or vomiting

To understand the problem will help a qualified neurologist, gynecologist, urologist, or orthopedist. Cannot be treated with traditional medicine or self-medicate. By diagnosing the disease, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that will relieve pain and eliminate inflammation.


If sides are not due to pathologies and diseases, and simple overexertion of the muscles, to treat such pain is recommended:

  • Course massage;
  • Rastertime and warming creams;
  • Local application on the damaged area of Ketoprofen, capsicum, analgesic ointments;
  • Wearing warming belts from the dog and sheep's wool;
  • A set of special exercises.

Often this pain goes away, but these procedures will speed up the recovery process.

If discomfort caused by abnormalities of the spine and appears in these degenerative processes, a holistic approach is required. It is conventionally divided into 3 periods:

  • Sharp. The doctor prescribes a non-steroidal medication, acute pain; spasms removed muscle relaxers.
  • Subacute. At this time the patient is treated with chondroprotectors that slow down the process of destruction of the vertebrae and restore soft tissue. The doctor prescribes a course of physiotherapy, and sometimes treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system through massage therapy, acupuncture and manual therapy sessions. The patient performs special exercises that promote stretching of the spine and strengthening the muscle corset. Part of exercises can be performed independently at home.
  • Remission. The doctor increases the load on the spine and muscles, complicating the set of exercises. The patient shows activity and regular exercise, because of the low muscle tone affects the recovery process. It is often recommended that a Spa treatment.

ustranenie boli v bokah szadi so spiny

If soreness in the lower back occurs because of problems with the nervous system, then work with this problem only to neurologists.