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A sore lower back for women: aching, nagging pain, causes, treatment

Different pain below the waist in women can be a symptom of many diseases, ranging from minor to deadly. Sometimes women feel a pulling pain at sharp movements. Common back pain during menses. But such symptoms are usually transient. But chronic pain in the lumbar spine is already talking about some kind of apparent illness. It is important to identify the characteristic symptoms of dangerous diseases or harmless, and in any unclear situation to visit the local therapist.

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What can be the causes of lower back pain in women? There are many different ailments. Constant pain in the lumbar region in women – a bad sign. Because lumbar pain of this type usually do not Bode well.

Increased load

Blame some pulling pain in the lower back in women are unusual physical exertion. If the girl was familiar with sports and made a sharp increased load on the back – the chance of muscle strain. If aching pain in the lower back do not stop for 3-4 days, you must see a doctor. After the load may be damaged not only the muscles but also the discs, and this is a good reason.

Common cause of lower back pain in women – the progression of pathological processes in the spinal column under the effect of the dramatically increased load.

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Osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia

The cause of low back pain in women can be low back pain. For this pathology there is a change in the structure of intervertebral disks, cartilage destruction. Previously, the elastic disc becomes rigid, loses damping properties.

If a woman has lower back pain does not cease within several days and is exacerbated by weight lifting or sharp movements – the probability of low back pain.

The next stage of the pathological changes in compression of the intervertebral discs, which is a protrusion. What spinal nerves are compressed, the blood circulation and the coordination of movements, the pain increases.

The final stage of osteoarthritis – the emergence of intervertebral hernia. This pathology is another reason why sore lower back in women. As a rule, pain in the lumbar region is very pronounced , radiating to the limbs and other parts of the back. In this state, the ridge can whine almost any body position (except lying).

Disease gynecology

Gynecological diseases often causes pain below the waist in women. Can get sick as the lower back and side areas.

There are disease:

  • Tumor formation (cysts) in the ovaries;
  • Pathology of the uterus;
  • Varicose veins of the organs surrounding the pelvic floor;
  • Benign neoplasm in the inner wall of the uterus;
  • The rupture of the ovarian tissue.

It is for such reasons often pulls the waist in women. Having discomfort, lack of energy, irritability and other symptoms. However, it can be a lot of really dangerous consequences: problems with the birth of children, violation of menstruation cycles.

Kidney disease

If there is pain in the lower back right or left, or even girdle lower back pain – high probability of renal abnormalities, one of which is pyelonephritis. During exacerbation of such infectious diseases is inflammation of the kidney (one or two). Lower back pain on the right – not the only symptom of this pathology. The person feels a number of negativemanifestations:

  • The increase in body temperature;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Migraine;
  • Dysfunction of the urogenital system;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Exudative discharge.


Many women who choose to have children and got pregnant, often there is pain in the lower back. Associated with physiological changes in the structure of the hip belt back pain are absolutely normal and require no treatment. Aching pain in the lower back caused by a sharp increase in body weight and localization of the fetus in the region of the lumbar. In the last months of pregnancy may be sore as the lower back and lower abdomen. These symptoms are not uncommon, but if you want to discuss the issue with your doctor.


Another cause of pain in the lower back in women – excessive coating of the epithelium. In this disease the upper skin layer of the uterus that covers the excess area of the pelvis. Endometriosis not only provokes pain in the lower lumbar, the disease can lead to serious consequences. At untimely treatment, the ignoring of the disease is disturbed reproductive function. And back pain below the waist can result in infertility.


If pain in lower back in women may have her period. This phenomenon is repeated regularly, so that girls know what to expect. Lower back pain right lower back pain and left lower abdomen arise as a result of uterine contractions and a sharp increase in body mass of stagnant water in the body.

If pain in lower back in women precisely because of menstruation, you can take diuretics. This treatment will help rid your body of excess water and to ease the condition.

Breast size

Some women with 4-5 breast sizes may experience pain in the lower lumbar. Moreover, the load on the thorax increases and you may receive an osteochondrosis of the thoracic, and the load on the lower back comes from the unnatural bend in the spine. In such a situation, back pain mainly due to improper posture, stooped posture. Doing exercises to strengthen the muscles – extensor muscles along the spine and taking the active lifestyle, this back pain can be avoided.


Another reason why sore lower back in women, long - term wearing shoes with too high heels. When walking the pelvis slightly goes up and the lower back appears unusual bending. The load increases and occurs aching pain in the lower back.

Try to avoid wearing heels. Perfect heel height should be no more than 5 centimeters.


Some back pain on the right back connected with a certain period in the life of every woman. During menopause occurs hormonal failure and blood circulation in the pelvis is broken. As a result, the spine is not getting the right amount of nutrients. And, directly, the cause of pain – complications from vitamin deficiency (osteoporosis, etc.).


The female body contains more fatty tissue than men. Elderly ladies are predisposed to be overweight, can gain a lot of extra weight. In this situation, the spine experiences severe constant load.

Excess weight may experience pain in the lower back on the left, right or center. This is because the maximum pressure falls on the lower back.

Disease Oncology

Tumors of any kind, reaching a certain size, begin to create pressure on the nerve endings. The result may be pain below the waist the left or right, dependent on the localization of the tumor. Benign or malignant pathological education, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Any tumor can sooner or later become lethal.


Why is there pain in the lower back or abdomen? If the dress not for the weather, sitting on cold surfaces may experience hypothermia. The pain below the waist on the right occurs if the girl had got a cold in the organs surrounding the pelvic floor. However, it is possible to SuperCool and lumbosacral spine. Sharp pain in lower back right in women can be the cause of this hypothermia.

What is the pain

The different causes in women can cause pain. The character of the pain may be different. In order to help physician in the correct diagnosis, you should be able to determine the properties of pain.

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Here are the main types:

  • Very pronounced pain that occurs suddenly, is localized at a certain point. For example, lower back pain on the left.
  • Pullingback pain that occurs when the monotonous processes in the awkward position of the body. The emergence of such symptoms answers the question, why pull the lower back.
  • Radiating pain. Is characterized by local manifestations. Such pain is lower back, radiating to leg and groin, says of intervertebral hernia lumbar – sacral.

Radiating pain require immediate treatment to the doctor. These symptoms are always misleading about the danger.

Localized sharp pain lower back left or right, usually do not carry serious dangers, but to go to the doctor is required. There are some diseases with diffuse symptoms, such a case, and runs diagnostics.

One of the most dangerous cases, lower back pain left rear or right, which does not stop even in a comfortable body position (lying). Very often they give themselves cancer.


When pain in bottom of back right, left or any other the most correct solution is to appeal to the local doctor – the therapist. After the tour, assigning tests and some procedures, the doctor decides whether to connect to other professionals. If the disease is serious, the therapist assigns a consultation and neurologist, gynecologist, nephrologist, oncologist. After necessary examination, the doctors conclude, and determine the disease.

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Very low chance that the patient has a metastasis, but biopsy is mandatory, because every minute is important in this case.


Any lower back pain in women is causes and treatment. It is important to correctly diagnose and determine the cause. Some diseases are difficult to treat, some can be cured in a few weeks. Of course, every disease has its own treatment methods often used combined therapy. But lung diseases or even simple complications (during menses or pregnancy) can be a remedy.

After a complete diagnosis, when the doctor gives permission, you can use some analgesic traditional medicine. These drugs used for pain in right side lower back, left side. In short, localization is not important.

narodnye metody ustraneniya bolej v poyasnice

Some recipes for the fight against pain, to calmly look at the world:

  • Tincture of the root of elecampane is effective against pain in women. Should take about 5 g of the root and put in a Cup of boiling water. You can use several times a day a tablespoon.
  • Tincture on the basis of Equisetum arvense possesses analgesic agents. You need to put about 20 g of the roots in the boiling water volume equal to two cups. You can take 50 ml every hour.
  • Tincture of the root of celery is also has analgesic effect. Take celery (35g) and put in a glass of plain water. Tincture is prepared a few hours. You can then accept several times per day on a small Cup (70g).
  • Tincture on the basis of dry raspberry leaf. You need to take 2 cups of boiled water and pour them 70g dried raspberry leaf. You can take twice an hour for several days.