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Sore lower back when walking, bending, causes, what treatment

Lower back pain when walking is considered a sure sign of diseases of the spine. The lumbar is the most important to human movement, as it assumes the weight of the upper body – the chest and head, thus connecting it with the lower extremities. Lower back pain with movement is often ignored patients reluctance to go to the doctor may be due to unwillingness to spend time or fear of detection of serious diseases. Not worth it in any case to postpone the visit of astrologos, osteopaths or podiatrists, as only timely assistance can help to stop the disease.

Bolit poyasnica pri hodbe

For back pain there is a special medical term – lumbalgia. It applies not only to pain while walking, but in General to any kind of pain at the level of the waist. Often lumbar pain also include rump, not quite correctly representing the location of the spine in the body.

The cause of the pain and the danger

The lumbar spine includes five vertebrae are massive. Between them are the intervertebral discs, which absorb vibrations from the lower extremities, like a spring. Between them bonds a group of ligaments. From the lumbar spine out of the nerve endings of the spinal cord. These endings constitute the lumbar and sacral plexus, which are responsible for the feet when walking, maintaining a vertical posture. In addition they bring together a group of internal muscles responsible for bowel, organs large and small pelvis. They perform in your urinary, oboronaya and sexual function.

Walking tissue and part of the vertebrae in the case of the manifestation of pathologies and anatomical features will affect nerve fibers. Pressure and irritation of nerve fibers causes a sensation of pain. The pain may vary depending on the intensity of lesion and extent of snagging of the fabric.

Lower back pain in addition can cause serious syndromes of the internal organs. The autonomic nervous system that exits at that level, regulates the function of the sphincter of the bladder and straight intestine, is responsible for the intensity of the tubules of the nephron of the kidney. Nerve damage that causes pain, can disrupt the normal functioning of internal organs. Doctors there is a group of diseases in which back pain when walking. Diseases of internal nature and are rarely associated with infections, except when the pain is the result of damage to the kidney and bladder diseases, sexually transmitted.

To diseases causing back pain include degenerative disc disease and intervertebral hernia.


Osteochondrosis is a pathological overgrowth of cartilage around the vertebrae and the intervertebral disc. It lost the elasticity and flexibility of the discs of the spine as a whole, there is pain due to damage to the spinal cord and its nerve roots. Osteochondrosis sick almost half of the adult population that is a consequence of inappropriate lumbar lifestyle.


Loin more often than other departments exposed to this disease, because it takes a lot of pressure from the body.

The main causes of the disease include obesity, low physical activity and poor diet. All the reasons are linked, which causes the rapid development of the pathological process. With sufficient expansion of the area of the disease, the tissue starts to damage the nerve roots. The growths back pain when driving can occur at different positions of the torso and legs. When you sprawl forward in the trunk area, you may experience pain in the entire lumbar plexus. With the proliferation of back – pain may radiate to the buttocks, the rear thighs.

Disc herniation

The intervertebral disc is a small disc-shaped formation located between the vertebral bodies. It consists of a soft, plastic, amorphous mass, or nucleus pulposus and a strong and elastic fibrous ring. The fibrous ring keeps purposee the core in the desired form. Hernia occurs when the destruction of the fibrous – amorphous mass is extruded in the resulting tension, forming the body of the disk a small bump. Bump damage the surrounding nerves and spinal cord, causing severe pain.

Stronger sore lower back hernia when walking, because the weight pushes the hernia even further.

Often a person when such pain becomes impossibleto walk, however the disease may begin with subtle discomfort that manifests itself in running and jumping, but over time the development of the pain will increase and at one point becomes almost unbearable. It is important to go to the doctor, because the rupture of the fibrous sheath is operated with difficulty, and causes a lot of complications.

Treatment consists of massages, wearing corsets and taking drugs, which improve the trophism of the spine. Side developing the disease allow the use of combined therapy, which simultaneously removes both pathology. Treatment may complicate the pregnancy or neurogenic disease.

Pain treatment

Treatment is generally conservative. To begin, you must determine the cause, conduct an x – ray diagnosis of the situation of the roots. As for degenerative disc disease and herniated disc prescribe physical therapy. It improves the as with the development of different muscle groups and improve body tone.

For pain relief spend lidocaine blockade. Due to the freezing of the pulse, regardless of the intensity of pain, the lidocaine relieves pain in the lower back. The procedure is cheap, but requires the doctor's knowledge of anatomy.

Massages help the human body to circulate blood. The simultaneous use of massage and medicinal blockades help to make significant progress in treatment. To be successful, it is important to timely consult a doctor who is qualified to treat patients. Self-treatment may bring significant harm.