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Lower back pain gives groin: men, women, causes, treatments

Back problems are very tricky. Often back pain indicate other serious physical ailments. What to do if back pain gives groin ? Diseases of internal organs often manifest (appear for the first time) a change in the skin sensitivity of certain areas on the body. Problems with the spine, pathology of joints, ligaments and some muscle groups, systemic diseases and even cancer can begin with the fact that just starts to hurt the lower back. Should be oncological watchfulness human suffering.

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The main reasons for this state can be divided into several groups. This is due to the complex anatomical topography, and varied innervation of the striated musculature of the inguinal region, the pelvic floor muscles and nearby internal organs.


External conditions:

  • Heavy physical work associated with lifting and carrying heavy loads. Back pain that radiates to the groin is any indication: pain occurs only when driving. When you decrease or absence of loads of pain decreased, eventually disappearing.
  • Inadequate degree of training heavy physical work or exercise. Develop overtraining and fatigue. Microtrauma muscles prevails over the recovery process.
  • Products are not displayed in the proper amount, the nerve endings react to the constant flow of impulses. Lower back pain and groin different permanent nature,aggravated by high-amplitude movements that echo the movements during a workout.
  • State after injury. Distinctive features are of pain : the maximum intensity at the peak load (occurring abruptly) , intolerable nature, the desire to take a forced posture (somewhat decreases pain).Completely disrupted the function of the injured muscles, the groin swells, there is redness of the skin in the projection area of the injury. The pain does not subside for several days, relieved only powerful analgesics.

pochemu voznikaet bol v poyasnice, otdaushaya v pah

Degenerative changes in the spine:

  • Lumbar-sacral osteochondrosis. This condition is characterized by a gradual decrease in density and further destruction of cartilage. Main causes are lack of exercise, excess weight, lack of regular and varied exercise, detraining of the muscles, repetitive prolonged exercise. Back suffers too much. Lumbalgia is expressed as "lumbago", which intensified during turns and slopes of the body, and then "shoots" into the groin. Lumbalgia is enhanced by the forced uncomfortable position, there is a feeling of stiffness, and difficulty performing movements.
  • Osteoarthritis of the hip joint. Difficult to diagnose, a disease that "mimics" for many other ailments. The most frequently detected in women 40 years and older,involved in the pathological process, one or both of the hip bones. Groin pain combined with pain in the sacrum, radiating to the thigh and knee joint. Can start with a feeling of "aches" in the buttocks, gradually increasing from the minimum of physical activity.
  • Spinal stenosis. Cause is gradual narrowing of the spinal openings due to lesions of systemic diseases (ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosus). Often leads to cauda equina syndrome. Characteristically, the pain gives in the groin, you experience muscle weakness, paresthesia in the legs. There is a sexual weakness (to the point of impotence in men), impaired defecation and urination, may develop hypotension of the sphincter.
  • Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. The most commonly occurs in younger men. Characterized by rapid flow. Lower back pain gives groin, the condition begins abruptly, pain is very strong, and cropped only by narcotic analgesics.
  • Intervertebral hernia. This disease has a very characteristic syndromechronic. Dramatically a sore lower back on the background of peak physical exertion (usually heavy lifting, "pushing" waist), "shooting in nature", the back muscles are tense. And then pain syndrome "descends" down to the groin.

Pathology of internal organs:

  • Renal colic. The formation mechanism of movement of stones through the ureter and further blocking of the lumen,usually on the right (due to the anatomical features). Pain syndrome appears in the right lower back, goes down, can smell, has a wavelike nature. Uncomfortable sensations after exerciseand often occur at night. Can join dry mouth, severe weakness, nausea, episodic vomiting.

See also: why night back pain

  • Disorder of the bowel (intestinal obstruction, cancer, appendicitis). Appear bloating, vomiting undigested food, poor bowel movement, sharp pain of the abdomen, ill depart gases. Lower back pain gives groin, inner thighs, suffering person takes a forced position on the side.

pochemu voznikaet bol v poyasnice, otdaushaya v pah

Pain in women

  • Inflammation of the pelvic organs (uterus and appendages).The pain "overflows" into the groin, and "shimmers" in the lower back. Is strengthening on the background of hypothermia, General weakness, fever, possible Muco-purulent discharge from the genital tract.
  • Exacerbation of chronic cystitis. The most significant differences - gnawing aching pain that radiates to the groin, frequent painful urination, frequent urination in the night, drawing aching desires on the background of the empty bladder, weakness, fatigue, fever, discoloration and odor of urine (admixture of pus or blood).
  • Ovarian cyst (ovarian apoplexy, ectopic pregnancy). Sudden sharp pain in the abdomen, may be accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, weakness,sweating,vomiting. Pathology from the right ovary may simulate acute appendicitis.
  • Painful periods (dysmenorrhea). According to statistics, approximately 15% of women of childbearing age, there is unbearable pain in the groin during mensis. They are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, lability of blood pressure, fainting, severe weakness.
  • Trochanteric (inflammation of the hip tendons). Occurs in older women in menopause due to the decrease in the concentration of sex hormones. Pain localized in the lower back, can give the outer part of thigh and in the groin area.
  • The rheumatic polymyalgia. More common in older women, characterized by pain and stiffness of muscles of the pelvis and shoulder girdle, then join pain in the small joints of the hands.

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Pain in men

  • Prostate cancer. Most clinic due to metastasis in the bones of the skeleton. In older men occur on a background of relative well-being of pronounced pain in the bones, which are decreased in patients receiving strong analgesics. Groin pain can migrate "to move". Often affects the pelvis, chest, spine, femur, bones of the skull.
  • Varicocele. Diagnosed in approximately 15 % of men, is the most common cause of infertility, occurs most frequently on the left. The pathogenesis is anatomical (the inguinal canal) or functional block of the outflow of venous blood from the veins of the spermatic cord. Complaints in men dragging pain in the testicle, scrotum, groin area, radiating to the lumbar region. The factors contributing to the development - long-term high-intensity exercise.
  • Cyst of the spermatic cord (funicolare). Onset of constant aching pain in men groin area with one hand. In the pathological process may be involved both right and left seminal cords. At external examination revealed swelling of the scrotum, possible swelling of the thigh with one hand.


  • Examination, medical history, examination of the cranial nerves, tone and muscle strength, normal and pathological reflexes, sensitivity by a specialist neurologist.
  • X-rays of thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine, pelvic bones, femur bones.
  • Computed tomography of the thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine, pelvis,abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space, small pelvis organs.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine.
  • Densitometry of bones.Allows you to confirm the accuracy of osteoporosis.
  • Electromyography of the lumbar-sacral plexus and lower limb nerves, sciatic nerve, muscles of feet. Allows you to assess the state of the neurons, nerve impulses and muscle response to those pulses.
  • Venography the vessels in the groin, the vessels of the legs.
  • Vascular ultrasound of the pelvis, groin area, if necessary - the vessels of the legs.
  • Pelvic ultrasound, bladder, soft tissue, inner and outer thigh.
  • General blood analysis, General urine analysis, biochemical blood analysis (required study on acute-phase proteins, proteinogram).
  • A blood test for underlying infection, sexually transmittedby.
  • Consultations of related specialists : urologist, gynecologist, oncologist, rheumatologist.
  • The blood test for major tumor markers (CA 19-9, PSA,CA-125,
  • CA 15-3, CEA, AFP)
  • Bone scintigraphy of the skeleton (allows you to detect bone metastases).


Only after a comprehensive diagnosis,noting the lack of such terrible diseases as systemic diseases and Oncology, the doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment. The most important components in the treatment of back pain are anti-inflammatory drugs (nimesulide, diclofenac), effective analgetics (Ketanov), antispasmodics (mydocalm), chondro (hondrolon, mucosal, rumalon, arteparon), physiotherapy treatment (inductothermy, diadynamic currents, electrophoresis with lidocaine), physiotherapy (exercises, aimed at forming muscle corset), sanatorium - and- Spa treatment.