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Pain in the coccyx after birth: when sitting, when standing up what to do

Pain in the coccyx after birth (coccygodynia) often starts after the baby is born, can last for months. Why do they arise? The most common reason lies in the complex process of childbirth, with vain attempts in women differ the pubic bone, which affects the coccyx. After a violent impact, this area hurts.

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Why is there pain?

Pain that occurs in women, are different: aching, burning, intermittent or constant. Sometimes they become stronger after a long rest, or, conversely, sharply, when a woman gets up, urination, defecation, etc.

Pain can irregurality in the muscles of the buttocks, the anus, to give in the crotch, thigh, Shin. In rare cases, gives rectum.

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Why can be a sore tailbone after childbirth:

  • Begins discomfort even during pregnancy, then it may worsen or he disappears. Can pass through 14-21 days, can last up to 7-8 months. In most cases the pain will remain for three to four months after birth. Do not wait until the pain goes away itself, you should seek the advice of a physician.
  • Another reason why sore coccyx after giving birth – trauma, displacement of coccyx. Often the patient does not know that he is injured. Damage occurs due to a bad fall or blow. And can injure a rudiment just with an awkward movement, the bike ride. Sick with a minor crack, it may not in the first day, to emerge trauma can and after childbirth.
  • In the narrow birth canal or if the fetus has a large weight, the coccyx is also injured until of dislocation or fracture.
  • During birth it is possible to pinched nerve endings.
  • The coccyx will hurt badly, if excessively deviated (straightened) during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. Straightening vestige improves the push and the width of the birth canal.
  • If childbirth occurs after prolapse or perineal trauma with hemorrhage, the coccyx sore.
  • If you injured the ligaments in this area have pain.

In the postpartum period is often exacerbated by other diseases that cause discomfort and pain:

  • Calcium deficiency;
  • Salt deposits;
  • Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system and the pelvic organs;
  • Neurological pathology;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Anal fissure;
  • Diseases of the rectum.

When you need medical attention?

Often traumatically coccygeal Department doctors and women attributed to a difficult birthing process. It may be swelling, tension, and pain symptoms. Doctors may not pay attention to discharge mother and baby home.

Pain in the coccyx after birth could pass itself if the bias is negligible. And when more serious displacements of the vertebrae snap into place, the ligaments tighten and the pain becoming stronger. They begin to disturb when driving, giving in the buttocks, resembling the inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Consult doctor need if:

  • Discomfort is not terminated within 14 days;
  • Unpleasant sensations give in the gluteal muscle;
  • The tension present in the pubic symphysis joint;
  • The pain spreads in direction of the sciatic nerve.

Usually coccyx back into place using manual therapy, supplementing the treatment of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. Selected medications should be safe for the nursing mother. In severe cases, doctors recommend surgery.


As therapy doctors use electrotherapy, paraffin baths, ultrasound treatment. The woman recommended a set of therapeutic exercises. When severe pain, the doctor performs a local or General anesthesia, recommends a course of massage for this area. Can be prescribed bed rest or cushion for the seat. Sometimes prescribe a course of leech therapy, or hirudotherapy.

If conservative measures do not have any effect, the doctor makes the decision about surgical intervention.

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At home

If the doctors confirmed that you have no serious pathologies andinjury, relieve discomfort, you can use the following measures:

  • Gymnastic exercises on the ball;
  • Reconditioning exercises;
  • Rejection of the lifting;
  • Vehicle bed orthopedic mattress of medium hardness;
  • No need to sit on soft cushions if you don't want to make myself worse;
  • Get plenty of rest, not to add discomfort;
  • After consulting a doctor used annoying tinctures on the basis of hot pepper, or tincture of lilac alcohol-based. Gauze soaked in medicinal liquid, slightly pressed and attached to the coccyx. The damaged area wrap with foil for 2 hours;
  • In the first days after birth to do a short ice lotions for eliminating swelling;
  • Reconsider the diet. Enrich menu with foods high in fiber and calcium. It may be dairy products;
  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid constipation. Violations of the chair intensifies the pressure on the coccyx;
  • Try to sit on a special pillow; towel; slightly leaning forward.

Traditional methods

  • It is recommended to take a bath with a decoction of the geranium. For the 4 teaspoons of geranium pour 4 cups of boiling water and boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Leave the decoction to brew for half an hour, cedim and pour into the tub.
  • A decoction made of geranium and compresses on the affected area. Wetted in the decoction of geranium gauze and applied to a sore tailbone and wrap it up with plastic wrap, covering the top with a towel or woolen scarf. You perform this procedure daily until discomfort subsides.
  • Another compress to help with pain, will be the application of infusion of Valerian. Turundas wetted cotton or gauze and put on the sore spot. Wrap it up with a warm blanket or scarf.
  • Well relieves pain and eliminates inflammation rubbing of silver fir oil on the affected area 3 times a day.
  • Dilute vinegar and honey in proportion 1 to 2, mix thoroughly and rubbed into the affected area.
  • From time to time to relieve inflammation you can do a grid of iodine.
  • To relieve discomfort doctors recommend troxevazinum ointment.


If serious diseases and injuries are excluded, the doctors recommend a complex therapy.

  1. The patient lies on his back, bends his legs and pulls them to his chest. Then run the data and cultivation of feet. A number of approaches: 10-15.
  2. In the same position to be clamped between the legs of the ball, begin to squeeze his legs for 5-10 seconds and relax. Repeat: 6-8 times.
  3. Then the bent leg is straightened, and the ball rolls on the inner side of the lower leg in 5-10 seconds. Number of sets: 8-10.
  4. Bendable legs, bottom of the foot to the buttocks. Gently and slowly raises the pelvis, but so as not to feel tension in the back muscles. Needs to tighten gluteus, back, abs, pelvic floor muscles.
  5. Lie on your stomach, simultaneously raise arms and legs as high as possible. The exercise is performed two to four times. Between repetitions rest for 5-7 seconds.
  6. Get up and finish the exercises by tilting from side to side. After physical therapy, it is recommended to massage the coccyx.