Home / Pain in the coccyx and sacrum when sitting and standing, pregnancy / The coccyx tumor: what is it, causes, treatment, prevention, photos, videos

The coccyx tumor: what is it, causes, treatment, prevention, photos, videos

The coccyx is a fixed connection of several vertebrae with cartilage. It is full of nerve endings, the violation of which can lead to pain syndrome. Causes of pain are many. But very often the patient brings discomfort to the appearance of the tumor in the coccyx. How can you recognize a tumor and, most importantly, ways to get rid of the disease, take a closer look.

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Causes and symptoms

What is a tumor on the tailbone? In plain language, it is a lump or solid education, acting on which, the person experiences pain. Now, many people do not seek medical help until you feel strong pain, but often at the initial stages of education, may not cause any sensations. So often the treatment begins in later stages. Appear, the tumor can both before birth and during life, at any age.

Congenital abnormalities

Timely diagnosis that can save the life of the foetus, or to identify incompatible with life malformations. Congenital entities include:

  • Spina bifida. When during fetal development, there is an incomplete closure of the neural tube develops causing improper formation of the vertebrae. As a rule, when the detection of severe manifestations, the child in the first days of life, conducted an operation to close the spina bifida. It is important to prevent the occurrence of these symptoms during pregnancy, and preferably before her, the woman should begin supplementation of folic acid, it is scientifically proven that it reduces the risk of spinal problems in children;
  • Sacrococcygeal lesion, or a teratoma. When a child is born with a tumor in the sacral region measuring about 30 cm by 8 cm Inside from benign cysts and rudiments, to the underdeveloped organs of the fetus. About half of children born with such disorders, not compatible with life because of multiple malformations of internal organs of the fetus. Thanks to progress, which is not in place, doctors are able to diagnose the emergence of a teratoma during fetal development. In identifying the fetus the tumor is intrauterine radiofrequency ablation of teratoma, after which further development is controlled by an ultrasound examination;
  • Epithelial coccygeal cyst. In most cases, the existence of such, is recognizable for a man of Mature age. Usually, symptoms in men. In mezhyagodichnoy region appears swelling, itching and inflammation. In the study of the rectum, it is possible to identify the fistula in the intestine, which is very dangerous to humans, and can lead to a serious condition such as sepsis. The treatment of this disease, only surgically in the period of remission between exacerbations.

Acquired neoplasms

Throughout life, a person also can appear tumors at the site of the hematoma, or a benign and malignant neoplasms.

  • The swelling due to a hematoma that occurs in response to injury, a crack or fracture of the coccyx. If there is a cyst of the coccyx, and it accumulates contents, surgical intervention is necessary for its elimination;
  • Chordoma is a benign tumor of the sacral and the coccyx. Its formation is still in fetal stage of development, but manifested only after a long time. The tumor consists of cartilage cells, and visually represents the knot of the coccyx. Its removal, the same happens surgery;
  • Cancer the coccyx. In most cases, doctors are of the opinion that the formation of tumors in the region of the coccyx, is the spread of metastasis of cancerous, nearby organs. But what happens when bone cells of the tailbone affects the cancer. To identify a malignant tumor of the coccyx the symptoms of which are fever, chills, sudden weight loss, increased body temperature , possible through the examination of the patient, and a biopsy of the affected bone.

To understand exactly the causes of malignant tumors is not possible. Exploring the emergence of the disease, and accounting for medical history of the patient, the doctors isolated the risk factors that contribute to their emergence.

According to statistics, the risk factors include:

  • Radiation;
  • Harmfulhabits;
  • The wrong food, with a deficit of fortified food;
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • Working conditions that are harmful to health.

In the study of the living conditions of all affected people cancer, these factors has advantages over the others.

Treatment and prevention

For the treatment of cysts, fistulas, and other inflammatory processes that physicians use conservative treatment. It includes anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, physical therapy. For the treatment of malignant tumors of the resort depending on the stage of the disease, to such techniques as: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, endoscopic and radical removal of the tumor.

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As with any disease, prevention of tumors of the coccyx, should be aimed at eliminating risk factors and preventing disease. Eliminating the harmful effects on your body, you can extend their life and prevent very serious consequences.