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Coccygodynia coccyx: symptoms, treatment, exercises, drugs

Coccygodynia is a pain in the coccyx or anal region, perineum. They are caused due to damage or inflammation in the branches of the nerves in the coccyx. Often this phenomenon occurs in members of the fairer half of the population, regardless of age.



If developing coccygodynia symptoms expressed. There is severe pain, it lasts for a long time (sometimes the pain lasts years). Appears for no apparent reason – as after exercise and at rest, after emptying of the intestinal tract after intimacy. The pain is limited only to the area of the coccyx or giving in the area of the buttocks, rectal area, lower abdomen, inner thighs. During pressure on the coccyx pain coccygodynia becomes more intense. Due to permanent pain in humans, the gait is disturbed, he tries while walking to take such a position of the body in which it is wrong to feel it.

Coccygodynia coccyx can cause the appearance of irritable bowel syndrome, which is accompanied by uncomfortable sensations in the area of the intestinal tract that may cause diarrhea and other stool disorders – constipation.

Accompanied by the development of disease increased perspiration, feeling of pressure or heaviness below the waist, the skin becomes pale during the attack? psychological manifestations such as abrupt change in the emotional background, depression mood, feeling of despair. Coccygodynia symptoms and treatment are interrelated, because the intensity of the symptoms depends on the scheme doctor prescribed treatment.


A key reason for the development of this pathology is the injury to the coccyx. This can happen after a bad fall on his back, during which it happens or the displacement or dislocation of the bones. Post-traumatic coccygodynia is characterized in that the painful sensations can occur over a long time after a fall or blow, so for many people who are faced with this problem, remains a mystery the cause of the appearance, they do not associate it with trauma.

Another cause of pathology may be inflammation in the nerve endings, the muscular system, in the perineum or the pelvis. To provoke such a problem can long chronic constipation. Also if there are scars in the area of the anus that remain after surgical treatment of diseases of the rectum.

To disease can cause problems in the pelvic organs, among which the most common are:

  • The inflammatory process in the prostate gland;
  • Inflammatory reaction in the rectum and nearby tissues;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Fracture of the hip bone.

Another causes of coccygodynia coccyx can become frequent emotional overload, maintaining a sedentary lifestyle.

How to recognize

Correct diagnosis is complicated by the fact that coccygodynia is similar to symptoms of many other diseases. Therefore, the diagnosis must be differentiated from the problem of hemorrhoids, fissures in the anal area, inflammation of nerves, gynecological or urological diseases.

Appointed by such types of surveys:

  • Primary examination by a doctor, which allows you to visualize certain changes in the coccyx.
  • The study of the rectum with your finger – this survey gives you the opportunity to discover in what condition is the coccyx and identify diseases of the rectum.
  • Sigmoidoscopy involves examination of the lower bowel using a special camera.
  • Radiography is visualized disorders in the spinal column that are able to trigger the development of pain syndrome.

When the coccyx painful sensations appear, the woman should address to the gynecologist, and the man to the urologist to rule out diseases of the reproductive system as one of the possible causes. It is mandatory to consult a neurologist.

obsledovaniya dlya diagnostiki kokcigodinii

Extras can be assigned such surveys as:

  • Laboratory studies of blood fluid;
  • Biochemical research;
  • Urine;
  • You may also need a stool sample –coprogram.

Instrumental examinations include:

  • Ultrasound examination of the digestive tract and internal genital organs, by which it becomes possible to identify or eliminate injury to the intestinal tract, organs of the male or female reproductive system;
  • Colonoscopy – in the process of carrying out the doctor conducted the examination and assessment of the thickness of the rectum through the use of a special instrument called an endoscope. This examination is appointed in order to exclude intestinal injury causing pain;
  • Computer research, or magnetic resonance, which allow to visualize possible changes in the coccyx;
  • Sometimes it is also assigned to a sample in which a local anesthetic is injected in the area of the coccyx, and then, according to pain intensity determined by the cause of sensations – the coccyx, or the surrounding organs.

Before you treat coccygodynia, it is necessary to determine exact cause of its occurrence.


If diagnosed with coccygodynia treatment of her complex. This disease may be cured using a holistic approach which includes such methods:

  • Drugs;
  • Massage, exercises, procedures;
  • Decoctions, lotions, applications.


To facilitate use of such medicines:

  • Nesteroidne anti – inflammatory drugs- relieve pain and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • Painkillers – administered their injection into the tissues of the coccyx;
  • Muscle relaxants help their muscular system relaxes cramps disappear;
  • Psychotropic medications – are appointed only by doctor's prescription, in the event if you have mental or neurological disorders.

Treatment with folk remedies include the use of decoctions and lotions on the basis of lavender, radish and honey, new potatoes, vinegar and honey.

Physical therapy

For the period of the treatment recommendations of the doctor lies in bed rest to restrict motor activity (fully or partially). Also prescribed physiotherapy:

  • Exercises to improve circulation;
  • Exercises to reduce the pain;
  • Massage lower back;
  • Therapy with laser beams;
  • Treatment by exposure to electric pulses;
  • Treatment using muds and baths.

It is also recommended to conduct parallel activities to address diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, reproductive system, rectum, which caused coccygodynia. In such situations, a doctor is assigned to a single treatment regimen, which can also include antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents other categories. Can also be recommended exercises to strengthen the muscular system, exercises to reduce congestion in the rectal area.

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If the pain is very intense, the doctor examines the feasibility of introduction of novocaine blockade. If pain was caused by the abnormal mobility of the coccyx, which previously was injured, if the efficiency of the treatment is no need surgical treatment – surgery for removal of the coccyx.