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Pain in sacrum: causes, treatment, diseases and pregnancy

Severe pain in the sacral region of the spine is diagnosed together with the underlying disease, and is expressed as a set of symptoms, without definite reason. Discomfort in the area of the sacrum is not evidence of morphological changes in the body. Unpleasant feelings manifest themselves in physical actions: bending, sharp rise, the transfer of heavy objects. The pain of this kind is rarely seen, it tends to spread from the sacrum to the lower back.

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The majority of patients complaining of lower back pain in the sacrum women.

The fairer sex loose muscle tissue, which can not cope with the overload. During pregnancy this factor joins additional weight acting on the spine: it deepens the malaise.

The characteristics of sarcodina

Pain in the sacrum, which occurs due to the development of the organs of small pelvis abnormal processes called acrodynia. Acrodynia characterizes pain discomfort: but does not become a source of disease.

Pain in the sacrum has the features: for right and left iliac articulation they are not repeated.

The problem is coming from the right junction leads to the violation of the movement of blood particles in the foot, cramping and pain in the muscles. Concomitant diseases will be the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The displacement of the pelvis on the left side is manifested in the deterioration of the lungs and heart muscle. The person who received a left shift prone to frequent acute respiratory diseases

Causes of acrodynia

Pain occurs in the sacral division is caused by spinal trauma, intense physical exercise or a systematic implementation of hard work.

Doctors identify the following causes of pain in the sacrum:

  • Modified the structure of the vertebrate Department;
  • Tumors of the sacral spine;
  • A pinched nerve fibers due to injury of the lower torso;
  • The narrowing and clogging of blood vessels in the organs located in the pelvis;
  • Low back pain.

If the degenerative disc disease the localization of the pain extensive: aching and dull pain develops in the sacrum, legs, and given in the lower back. Discomfort become stronger when you cough, squats on his haunches and other movements associated with flexion of the trunk. The relief gives the recumbent posture.

  • Hernia

Discomfort if the hernia is localized in the region of the lumbosacral spine, goes into the groin area and felt in the legs. Increases in the morning, subsiding in the evening. Not felt when walking.

Read: yoga with a herniated lumbosacral

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  • Spondylolisthesis

The pain occurs in a sitting position. Character expression – drawing.

Pain as a symptom of the disease

Back pain is an alarming symptom that accompanies many diseases. They are not caused by reasons that relate to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. To diseases of this kind include:

  • Diseases of an infectious nature

Discomfort, infection are minimal, however, the pain is present constantly.

  • Cancer

A malignant tumor develops in any organ and metastasizes in the sacrum bone. Metastasis is accompanied by severe pain in the sacrum. Pain accompanies man constantly, and does not calm down even after a long vacation.

  • Osteoporosis and osteomalacia

These diseases arise from metabolic disorders. When they prolonged a sore lower back.

  • Psychogenic pain

Pain in the sacrum in this case occurs against a background of stressful circumstances, or systematic nervous effects in humans.

  • Gynecological factors

These factors included an extensive list of causes caused by disease of the female reproductive system or pregnancy. The reasons causing pain in the lumbosacral refer back parameric, uterine cancer, endometriosis, and the weakening of the Sacro-uterine ligaments. Not the typical location of the uterus also cause pain in the back. Pain in the sacrum, the causes of which lie in pregnancy, is inevitable. Enhances itshypertonicity of the uterus and activity of the fetus.

See also: pulls the lower back and abdomen during pregnancy

  • Disease of the rectum

Periodically escalating nagging pains occur due to bowel obstruction resulting from stasis of feces.

  • Prostatitis, occur in the acute form. Sometimes pain occur in chronic disease.

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To what doctor to address?

For the diagnosis and treatment of pain in the sacrum should be examined by several doctors. If the ailments were not preceded by obvious injury, then find internal reasons, which appeared uncomfortable to the vertebrae will help:

  • Gynecologist;
  • Neurologist;
  • Urologist;
  • The podiatrist.

If the pain appeared after physical exertion, falls and other mechanical impacts, need to address to the traumatologist.

Diagnosis of pain in the sacrum

When it hurts the lumbar sacral region of the spine to determine the cause of the ailments can only a full examination by several doctors. Specialists will determine whether the complaints of patients with pathology of the sacrum, or have another cause. If it's another disease to get rid of pain will help you troubleshoot the root cause.


The diagnosis of sacral pain is based on:

  • History
  • Radiography;
  • Computed tomography (to determine the presence of tumors);
  • MRI.

Based on these data, the doctor prescribes treatment that will allow the patient to get rid of the discomfort.

Treatment of lumbosacral

Once the doctor has determined why a sore sacrum, he begins to treat the patient, applying different methodologies. Treatment aims to eliminate pain in the sacrum. The scheme of getting rid of back pain is chosen by the physician based on individual patient and disease severity.

Pain is removed with the help of painkillers. Depending on the intensity of the pain, the introduction of drugs administered intravenously or intramuscularly. If the lower back hurts badly, prescribe the introduction of analgesics. This procedure is called a blockade and is performed with the help of the medicines lidocaine, Kenalog, Novacain.

The shot is injected into the point of muscular pressure points in the sacral-iliac canal. Practiced introduction of blockages in the spinal canal.

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Drug therapy gives the fastest result, but does not guarantee that back pain does not return. Long-term effects show massages, acupuncture treatments, and treatment from a chiropractor. Thanks to such methods corrects the position offset of the bones, restores blood flow to the internal organs and relieves tension from the muscles.

Physiotherapy and therapeutic gymnastics

In the treatment of pain in the back be sure to apply physical treatments. They help to increase the number of movements for the waist – this removes the internal swelling. Thanks to physiotherapy, the body actively fights inflammation. A common way to use physiotherapy – sinusoidal current (SMC, UHF).

After the pain in the sacrum subsides, it is recommended to start physical therapy sessions. They will help to support the muscles of the lower back in good shape and preventing new pain.

Exercises for the recovery period:

  1. Position: lying on the floor. Bend your knees and pull your knees to your chest with your hands. It is important that the lower back all the time was pushed to the floor. Number of repetitions: 10-15 times.
  2. Position: lying on the floor. One foot along the floor to straighten the second bend and pull to your chest with your hands. Do the same with the other leg. Number of repetitions: 10-15 times.
  3. Position: stand on a firm surface with knees. The back bend and a head bend to the floor. After straighten the head, slowly throwing her Belly up when doing exercise should be involved. The back must bend to the other side.


To relieve tension from back muscles being used to the corset. It keeps the spine in correct vertical position and restricts motions that cause discomfort. Fixed the spine is in a relaxed condition – it accelerates recovery. For more comfort, you should choose a semi-rigid corset, any size. In this case, it will not pull the skin and won't look out of under garments. Wearing a corset is terminated as soon as there are visible improvements. Yourself to wear a corset is not necessary before wearing is required a consultation with the doctor.


Preventative measures

When the pain in the lumbosacral contraindicated sudden movements. It is recommended that the training and the load on the back of any type and eat right. Strong and healthy bones to a certain extent are formed with the right and nutritious food. You must include menu and daily use of vitamins and minerals. They are kept in chicken meat, beef, leafy greens, nuts, vegetables and a variety fruits.

A special position in the treatment of back pain is adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D.

If the vertebral Department began to ache, then visit the doctor is necessary. Ailments can be attributed to various factors, many of which require urgent intervention. Pain in the sacral spine, with the natural physiological conditions are treatable and are without consequences. When pain in the sacrum what to do tell experienced physician: self-treatment is dangerous for life.