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Pain in the coccyx: why hurt the tail, what to do, causes and treatment

Why can be a sore tailbone? This question can be heard in the office of a podiatrist or surgeon. Asking his relatively young people, mostly women, have never thought is actually a rudimental thousands of years are not used for assigning authority, may cause such inconveniences.

Coccyx completes the spine, is the last Department. Consists of several fused between the vertebrae. Examining biological and social human development, the researchers came to the conclusion that the coccyx was previously part of the tail.

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Over time, the need in the tail has disappeared. But finally the tail disappeared, transforming itself into what is usually called the coccyx. To learn what to do if coccyx hurts, you need to understand the pain in this region is not an independent disease. If a very sore coccyx, the cause of the pain must be sought in the pathologies, including and not associated with the body.

Causes of coccygodynia

To determine why your tailbone hurts and how to treat a sore tailbone is quite difficult. Discomfort in this part of the spine, are somewhat different from the usual tingling in the back or the lower back. The prevalence of coccygeal pain demanded specialists in their allocation of the total number with a special name. Pain in the coccyx is called coccygodynia and is divided into two varieties:

  • Pain in the coccyx, directly emanating from the spine;
  • Pain in the coccyx radiating in this region, but does with it is not connected.

Causes of pain in the tailbone different. To determine why pain in coccyx, on the main characteristics of pain.

Pain associated with back disorders

When the pain, concentrating exclusively in this area, the cause should be sought in the illness or injuries of the back.


If the pain occurred due to injuries, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

Any injury, once received in the fall, either owing to improper lifestyle, lifting heavy weights and physical stress can cause coccygodynia. The time of injury is not important. The unpleasant sensation of pain most typical concerns for cyclists, horse riding, contact sports, those who have suffered birth trauma, or had the misfortune to fall on the buttocks in early childhood. Due to the remoteness of time of injury from the symptoms and causes can remain undiagnosed.

Received in a fall injury can lead to fracture of the coccyx, trauma during childbirth, to the dislocation.

The tumor

In the case of a benign tumor , or lump, ill coccyx can night. The area around the tumor will start to whine. Not knowing how to get rid of the pain, the patient begins taking pain relievers non-steroidal drugs. But in this case they are ineffective. To cure the coccyx, the tumor, such drugs will not work.

The coccyx is often the seat of tumors. If the tumor is malignant, a sharp pain, to endure it.

A large part of the tumors are benign. Formed teratomas – tumors caused by embryonic cells, sometimes containing hair and nails. Benign teratomas are easily detected and treated. How to cure malignant teratoma, medicine, little is known. Treat malignant tumors in this region with the help of chemotherapy, but a clear positive result can be achieved not always.

Metastases from tumors present in other parts of the human body, can easily penetrate into the coccyx. Lead to a very strong pulling pain beneath the coccyx and around it.

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piriformis Syndrome

Pain in the coccyx can occur due to spasm of the piriformis muscle. Cause spasm may include trauma, disorders of the anatomy of the muscles, nervous and physical strain, curvature of the spine, and other diseases. Spasm of the affected muscle begins to put pressure on the nerve leads to inflammation and causes very severe pain below the coccyx. Thus the body no relation to the pain has not.

When the piriformis syndrome that hurts the tailbone, the pain gradually passes into the lower part of the legs. If causes and treatment of the disease is not identified, possible increased pain. The disease is extremely rare, and require special procaine blockade, allowing to confirm the diagnosis and to choose the method of treatment.

Diseases of the lumbosacral

Tailbone pain is not only due to pathologic disturbances in other organs, but in the case of injury to other parts of the spine, most often lumbosacral. Back pain, pain spreads to legs, concentrating in the area of the lower leg, below the buttocks. Pain occur to the left of the spine, can hurt the left or the right side of the waist. Treatment of tailbone in this case, due to the constant pain medicine in acute diseases such as: coccygeal hernia, spondylolisthesis curvature of the spine.

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Pain due to other pathologies

Severe pain in the coccyx can be in any way associated with him. In this case, the cause of acute and severe pain should be sought in the following diseases.


Pain is sharp and acute, are concentrated at the bottom of the spine, in the rectum. Itself hemorrhoids is not associated with the body, because the disease is caused by the enlargement of the veins around the rectum. But what about hemorrhoids should think, when a sore tailbone, and to understand why there is pain impossible.


The disease endometriosis is characterized by the penetration of the cells forming the inner lining of the uterus to other organs, causing the woman stops menstruating and there is a very strong pain that radiates to the coccyx. The pain is concentrated in the pelvic region that occurs at the beginning or the end of the menstrual cycle. Menstruating pain are considered normal, because many women do not know that they have a sore tailbone.

The cause of the disease is well hidden. Endometriosis undetectable by ultrasonography. If the pain is severe, almost bearable, it is performed laparoscopic surgery. A special camera detects hot spots of the disease, then they are burning.

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Pilonidal disease

Yondalla cyst manifested by severe pain in the place of the formed abscess. It can be both aching and sharp pain characteristic of tending to break the abscess. The cause of the disease lies in the introduction of hair, or more hair under the skin in the coccyx. Trying to make his way, hair damage the skin and promote penetration into the area of pathogenic bacteria. Ingrown hairs contribute to the development of cysts and the formation of suppuration, the pus begins to break through the fistula. The disease tends to relapse.

Treatment of pain in the tailbone, called a pilonidal cyst that requires surgical intervention. During the operation the cyst and the resulting passages are excised, the wounds imposed a special bandage.


The extra weight affects the spine and pelvis. Pelvic bone, a person suffering from obesity and trying to take a sitting position, are located incorrectly, which causes subluxation of the coccyx and the occurrence of severe pain.

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Often pain in the coccyx bother pregnant and had just given birth. They are associated with a load experienced by all the ligaments of the pregnant, most of them are not dangerous, if you do not indicate development of hemorrhoids, cysts, or tumors. The emergence of such pain should be attributed rather to physiology than pathological processes. Pregnant have to put up with your current situation, because how to treat tailbone at this time useless and undesirable for the fetus.

Pain for no reason

Sometimes aching pain in the coccyx occurs without apparent reason. In this case, it is advisable to change the diet, to abandon used medicines undergo fizioterapiia and some time to take painkillers. Ifhave pain in the coccyx there is no serious motive, it will pass by itself.

If a person has a sore tailbone what is unknown, and the pain intensifies, you do not need to hesitate. Each of the above causes of pain in this area, more than serious. If you have a coccyx how to treat it should be determined by a doctor, not a friend or neighbor, who has the same pain was 10-20 years ago, and cured it of their sitting at home with a heating pad on the back. Treatment to a specialist not just recommended, but necessary.

To sluggish the disease, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy. Therapeutic exercises and massage will help get rid of pain in the coccyx in the shortest possible time. It is recommended to swim.