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Pain in the coccyx when sitting and standing: treatment at home

Aching pain in the coccyx is a common problem of a sedentary lifestyle. For the uninformed person in this area these symptoms are perceived as irrelevant. But know that pain in the coccyx when sitting and standing means the emergence of a serious illness or injury.

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Why there is pain in the coccyx

If pain in coccyx when sitting the reasons can be many. The coccyx is the lower spine of the person, which are rudimentary vertebrae firmly fused with each other. To the front of the attached muscles and ligaments involved in the normal operation of the urinary organs. Still on it has bundles of muscles the gluteus Maximus.

The coccyx is responsible for the load distribution. Pain in coccyx when sitting and standing can mean the emergence of a fairly serious illness, what should be given attention. Impact on its condition can provide:

  • Injuries to the coccyx when riding on a Bicycle on rough roads on a hard seat;
  • Injuries received in a fall on the buttocks;
  • Damage caused by overloads acting on the coccyx, due to improper position when sitting on a chair (the offset of the pelvis down);

Simply put, the risk of injury is great, so at the first sign of discomfort in the area, you should consult a doctor.

Yet the impetus for the emergence of pain in the coccyx when they sit or stand be degenerative-inflammatory processes and diseases of the sacrum. Statistics of foreign researchers shows that pain in the coccyx often bother people with the special structure of the coccyx: the location has an angle of 90 °with a sharp forward tip.

Classification of pain

Pain in the coccyx can be divided into 2 classes:

  • Coccygodynia;
  • Pain anorectal.

In the first case, the source of pain coming from the coccyx. It occurs due to problems with the joints, neuralgic deviation or the accumulated salt. When coccygodynia tailbone hurts when I sit or stand up from a chair. To determine the exact problem, a thorough diagnosis.

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Anorectal pain has its own characteristics: the source is in the rectum or within the anus, but gives it to the coccyx. The source of such inconvenience can be the scars — the result of surgical intervention, an inflammatory process caused by disease, unstable stomach or intestines.

The second class can cause, in which pain in coccyx when sitting. It is common in seniors and the elderly. Discomfort can be feel in the sacrum, the anus or the perineum. Diseases of the large and small intestines, too, are among the reasons for pain in the coccyx when sitting.

Why there is pain in the coccyx when I get up

Mostly, tailbone hurts when I get up from the chair or the sofa due to injury. When you hit or fall, there is a probability of formation of cracks or fracture, the worse the offset. And if pain in coccyx when standing up — think of it as a sign of the presence of certain problems.

To experience discomfort in the coccyx when standing up after transferred to the pelvis after operations or injuries of the hip joint.

For the correct answer to this question, you need to consider the factors that can trigger this condition:

  • Accumulated salts;
  • Deviations from the normal condition of the muscles in the perineum;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Pain in the perineum after giving birth;
  • Constipation;
  • Disorders of the nerves of the perineum;
  • The consequences of the operations in the mentioned region;
  • Violations located near the coccyx bodies;
  • Impaired blood flow.

If you don't know what to do if your tailbone hurts when sitting, contact the doctor. After all the exciting factor there may be problems in bodily functions.

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Pain in tailbone when sitting

As mentioned earlier, pain in the lower spine occurs in women and men after a long seat, for example, at work and at home on the computer afterwards. But pain syndrome appears, and when overly active life.

People with sedentary work often wonder: "why hurt your tailbone when you sit." The answer is quite simple: they do not know how to choose a chair.

The fact that the coccyx is a place where the focus of multiple nerve endings. Here the focus of the fibers of the muscles responsible for the performance of hip and legs. It is therefore important to maintain a stable blood flow to the parts of the body and not to break the connection of the coccyx with the Central nervous system.

If it is wrong to choose furniture, there is a change of the cartilage, the vertebrae begin to shift and to compress the soft tissue. Such factors cause pain in tailbone when sitting for long. This can explain the appearance of dull pain in the region of the coccygeal bone at the end of the working day at office workers.

If you contemplate why your tailbone hurts when sitting, it is necessary to note such factors as:

  • Disorders of internal organs (including gynecological);
  • Trauma pelvic;
  • Coccygeal hernia;
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum;
  • Acute or chronic inflammation of the perianal tissue;
  • The effects of acute abscess.

Any of the following problems may occur with symptoms, which will complement the pain in the coccygeal bone. Such symptoms may be vaginal discharge, hemorrhoidal cones, rooting in the allocation of feces (defecation).

Other causes of pain

When it hurts to sit and the discomfort is concentrated in the lumbar region, it is possible to think about neuralgia. Here you can talk about the inflammatory process in the nervous tissue, coming from the sacrum or lumbar region of the spine. Most likely, the injured rectum, in consequence of acute inflammation or disease.

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Delayed treatment causes in which pain in coccyx when sitting, can promote the development of purulent stage of the disease and increases the risk of formation of fistula. In this situation, the treatment is exclusively surgical intervention.

Diagnosis of the problem

If you hurting to sit, effectively eliminate the problem at 100% a source of pain. Not pursuing a diagnosis it is impossible. Leave your hopes to independently identify the problem and make an appointment to see the doctor. Experts in the field of proctology recommend survey:

  • Be sure to make x-rays of the coccygeal bone and the sacrum;
  • Please sfinkterami (measurement of the strength of the anal sphincter);
  • Complete test on the detection of edematous conditions and inflammation in organs located near the coccyx;
  • Make a direct palpation of the intestine;
  • Be sure to follow rectoskopia.

For the most accurate diagnosis you will need to visit the emergency Department, urology, GYN and neurologist.

How to eliminate the pain

Often to eliminate discomfort in rudimentary vertebrae obtained by traditional methods, without the intervention of surgeons. It will help you:

  • Drugs to eliminate pain effect;
  • Comprehensive therapy, providing a complete rest for the patient;
  • Preventive exercises;
  • Chiropractic;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Restorative massages.

As mentioned earlier, if it hurts to sit down, find out why you need to assign a specific treatment. Therefore, choose the method on the basis of present or not serious diseases in the body, which causes problems. If deviations are detected in the body, they must neutralize.

The initial phase of treatment to correct all of the violations of mixed character. But ill have to prepare for the possible treatment of osteoarthritis, inflammation of the urinary organs or dysbiosis: these are the main causes of pain in a specified part of the spine.

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Will help you exercise

It should be noted exercises that ill can do without assistance. Preventive exercises will help to overcome the pain, delivering inconvenience. But you should follow important tips for their use: exercise does not have to accompany the walk, don't run, jump, no sudden movements and jerks.

Gymnastic prevention should look like this:

  1. Lie on your back, straighten your legs and hold the ball between the feet;push on his feet for 8 - 10 seconds, while making the effort. Manipulation repeat 6 times, taking breaks for 20 seconds.
  2. Sitting comfortably on her back, legs apart to the sides with slightly bent knees. His hands grasp the inside of the knees. Now start to bring the knees together, making it difficult to do this by the resistance of the hands. Rational number approaches 10 times, keeping the breaks for 10-15 seconds.
  3. Take position as in exercise # 2 and hold the knees with the ball. Keep your hands on the belly. Press down on the ball making efforts for 10 seconds, not allowing the stomach to "bulge" with the help of hands.
  4. In the supine position bend your knees and spread your legs apart to the sides, while simultaneously lifting the pelvis for 8 seconds. So you'll strain the muscles of the buttocks. Re approaches do up to 8 at intervals of 20 seconds.

If you are wondering what to do if your tailbone hurts when sitting, then remember that for the pain symptom may be hiding a very dangerous issue that, when not treated would lead to destructive processes in the body. Feeling the echoes of pain in the coccygeal bone, do not over tighten, because you can become seriously ill. As soon as possible take the survey and get qualitative consultation of a professional doctor.