Home / Pain in the coccyx and sacrum when sitting and standing, pregnancy / Tailbone pain how to treat at home: creams, compresses, gymnastics

Tailbone pain how to treat at home: creams, compresses, gymnastics

Pain in the coccyx is not a fatal disease, but still causes the person a lot of trouble, prevents to live, work, sleep, and can also be a symptom of a serious illness, which people could not suspect. Treatment of tailbone at home – a preventive procedure that helps to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of the injury, or the effects of surgery.

Bolit kopchik kak lechit v domashnih usloviyah

Folk remedies for pain

Prescribed medications may alleviate pain, but good job with it and folk remedies. Worth noting that the treatment of coccyx folk remedies should be preferred, as it will be cheaper and will bring harm less. You can make your own at home ointment, rubbing, as well as medicinal teas, which not only reduce or completely eliminate pain, but also have a positive effect on the body.

Vishnevsky Ointment

A popular means of reducing pain and inflammation - Vishnevsky ointment. It is necessary to saturate a small rag, to put on the coccyx, cover with plastic wrap (cling film), wrap a warm scarf or a scarf and go to bed. In the morning the pain will decrease and after a few applications will disappear altogether. The same effect has iodine. Before bed the tailbone should be abundantly lubricated with iodine, let it dry, wrap the loins in warm. You can block access to the oxygen with a plastic bag.

Combined ointment

For greater effect, makes the mixture of Vishnevsky ointment, cheese, yogurt, alcohol, and honey, all blended in equal proportions. At night from this mixture is compress.

primenenie kombinirovannyh mazej

An ointment made of honey and vinegar used for bruises. Honey take 2 times more than vinegar, mix until a homogeneous mixture, apply on the damaged area. If the pain is mild, it is enough for 6-7 uses, if strong, then home to RUB ointment have every hour.

Other tinctures

Alcoholic "cocktail" of camphor and ethyl alcohol with the addition of iodine and aspirin will also help to relieve the pain. It need to insist 21 days in a cool dark place. To obtain the effect will be enough for 6-8 applications. The proportions of the tinctures: iodine (10 ml.), ethyl alcohol (300 ml.), camphor alcohol (10 ml.) and tablets of dipyrone 10 pieces. All carefully stir the mixture before use shake well.

Also when injuries coccyx well help: wormwood and plantain leaf (grind into paste and apply on the affected area as a compress); onions and radish (grate, squeeze out the pulp juice, make a compress); tincture of Valerian; blue clay.

Tincture of Arnica (take 30 drops 3 times a day) also has an analgesic effect. Sold in pharmacies in finished form, belongs to the homeopathic drugs.

A decoction of the leaves of geranium helps to reduce pain, and also has a revitalizing effect. The geranium leaves (2 tbsp) pour water (1 l), to give writing a rolling boil for a few minutes. With this broth you can take a bath or to make compresses. Mild pain you can use components which are always at hand, for example, potatoes. Grate it on a grater, pulp applied to the affected area.

Harsh methods

If problems with the coccyx not caused by mechanical damage, and the presence of the cyst or fistulous course, have a totally different compositions. One of the most commonly used to relieve inflammation fistulous – a mixture of tar with oil and propolis.

protivomikrobnye mazi ot boli v kopchike

Tar has a cauterizing and degenerative effects on the fistulous course, while propolis is used as an antimicrobial component. Oil is used as the basis.

To prepare such a composition easy. Tar mixed with oil and propolis. Give the mixture to steep for one hour. To impose on the well-heated surface, cover it with a bandage and cutting off access to oxygen (for example cellophane package).

Treatment of fracture of the coccyx

If there is suspicion of a more seriousinjury than a bruise. Treatment of coccyx fit with the other side. In particular, regardless of the use of "folk remedies" should be applied comprehensive medication that will help prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory processes. In addition to do without external painkillers fail. In this case, folk remedies only help to speed up the healing process, and remove some of the discomfort

  • Hard pain;
  • Inflammation of the coccyx;
  • Discomfort associated with incorrect castania.

The most commonly used drug in this case, Shilajit, resin, comfrey.

narodnye sredstva pri ushibah i perelomah kopchika

Ointment from the mummy

Ointment prepared from the purchased extract of Shilajit, and mixing it with vegetable oils or animal oils. The greatest effect is observed when using rose oil, which has antiseptic effect. This ointment will speed up the process of regeneration and would alleviate some of the pain.

Ointment of resin

In this case, use of spruce resin, along with the ground onion and sulfate. As a basis for ointments you can also use rose oil. Use of this mixture will significantly reduce the risk of infectious contamination.

Ointment of comfrey

A decoction of comfrey stir in half with beeswax (to create a thick base), the resulting ointment to apply in the morning or in the evening, after securing the bandage on the damaged area it is Recommended to use all three elements, because each of them has its own healing properties (regeneration, protection against infection, reduction of pain syndrome) So correctly distribute all the folk remedies throughout the day.

Treatment of tailbone in home can bear fruit – the pain and discomfort will no longer interfere with enjoying life. If there is pain, you should not ignore them, you first need to figure out the cause, consult your doctor.