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Pain in the sacral region of the spine in women: causes, treatment

Pain in the sacral region of the spine (acrodynia) occur in women more often than men. They can indicate disease associated directly by the sacrum and also be symptoms of other diseases. The sacrum connects the spine, the coccyx and the pelvic bone. This is the reason that pain in this are intensive and quite painful. It is important to correctly diagnose the cause of acrodynia in order to timely and properly to cure the disease, the manifestation of which it is.

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One of the reasons for severe pain in the sacrum in women may be osteoarthritis, which occurs quite often. In this disease the patient feels dull pain in the sacrum, which gives to the leg. Pain attack may start from an awkward movement, cough or awkward postures. The back muscles are in constant tension, man is hard to walk straight, to bend, to stand. Painful condition is slightly reduced only in the supine position. But this is only one of the few disease of the lumbosacral spine, a symptom of which is pain in the sacrum. In addition, the reason for acrodynia can be:

  • Malformation of the transitional sacral vertebra;
  • The effects of trauma;
  • Tumors;
  • Tuberculosis of the bones;
  • The displacement of the vertebrae;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Stress.

Pain can be found both in women and men. However, there are specific causes of pain in the sacral region of the spine that occur only in women. It's like:

  • Gynecological;
  • Parameters;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Menstruation;
  • The location of the uterus.

Depending on the cause of the pain can be:

  • Of varying intensity;
  • To appear in cycles;
  • Sharp or aching.

In the diagnosis of the disease is, at times, plays an important role.

Developmental abnormalities of the spine

The sacrum consists of five vertebrae, but sometimes there can be six or four. Anomaly with six vertebrae is called sacralization, and with four globalizatsia. These features of the structure of the lumbosacral patients usually do not experience severe pain. But the abnormal development of a transitional lumbar vertebra, patients may experience quite strong pain in the sacrum.

Usually they are caused by the asymmetric mobility of a transitional vertebra, which gradually results in irreversible changes in the small intervertebral joints, increasing pain. And then a sore sacrum, not only during physical exertion, but at rest, if long time in an uncomfortable position, when tilted, as a result of hypothermia.

Spinal injury

Very often, even after a minor, at first glance, the injury of the person start to disturb nagging pains in the lower part of the sacral spine. This is due to spasm in the Sacro-vertebral muscles. The pain can appear immediately after the injury and after a few days, sometimes even years. Usually painful symptoms pass on their own, while respecting the rest. Thus the patient is forced to sit in unusual positions, it is difficult to bend, if he stood, or stand up straight after sitting so long.

Tumors and hernias

Many cancers in the spread metastasize to sacral region of the spine. Therefore, when the constant pain, aggravated at night, and not decreasing when you receive pain medication, should undergo a full examination. Because diseases such as breast cancer or uterine, may occur in the initial stage no symptoms, and pain in the sacrum may be the only manifestation of the disease.

Also constant pain in the sacrum area may indicate the presence of infectious lesions of the lumbosacral. Painful symptoms are most severe in time physical activity and not held in a rest period. They are most often a consequence of tuberculosis, staphylococcal infections.

Disc herniation can also cause constant pain in the sacral division. This morning it was particularly intense, and in the evening decreases. Often the patient becomes easier after a short walk.

Sometimes it happens that even when fullexamination by various experts it is difficult to identify the causes of pain. In this case, it is believed that headaches were a symptom of the stress treatment required to eliminate the cause of emotional arousal. And after taking sedatives they are themselves.

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For example, with such widespread disease, as external endometriosis of the uterus, the majority of patients experiencing pain, which are cyclical in nature. Usually in the period of menstruation they are so strong that no painkiller can't do. But at the end of menstruation they are. It is important to diagnose this disease, since 50% it causes infertility. In addition, the cells of the endometrium can spread to other organs and cause adhesions. This may affect the intestines, bladder and even the lungs.


If the pain in the sacrum is very strong, accompanied by high fever and pain in the lower abdomen, you should as soon as possible to consult a doctor. Because these signs may indicate acute parametritis - septic inflammation okolomatocnah fiber.

Usually this disease is a complication of postoperative interventions on the uterus. If no action is taken, it can cause further suppuration, and in the case of incorrectly chosen treatment to become chronic. This, in turn, leads to the formation of adhesions, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, infertility. When chronic pain have aching in nature, but can increase during sexual intercourse.

But not only gynecological diseases can be painful. Any hormonal changes may be accompanied by pain in the sacrum. During menstruation can also be an aching pain, associated with relaxation of the utero-sacral ligaments. With prolapse, deviation, prolapse of the uterus in the sacral region there is a dull ache, worse after a long stay on his feet.

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Sometimes the location of the fetus can cause lower back pain. For example, the baby's head puts pressure on the sacrum, the posterior wall of the pelvis, while the growth of the fetus pain can be amplified. Also during pregnancy hurt the sacrum in women may be due to excessive tension of the pelvic muscles. After childbirth, these pains are completely.

Since pain is not a separate illness, only a doctor can correctly determine why aching in the sacral region of the spine, and assign the appropriate treatment. And, cured a disease that causes them is to get rid of discomfort.