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Pain in sacrum and gives in foot: causes, treatment, physical therapy, drugs

Pain in the sacrum radiating to the leg is a consequence of the inflammatory process, sometimes comes from the mechanical action of the spinal cord roots and sciatic nerve. Equally common in men and women aged 40-45 years. The skin of the lumbar and legs numb. The cause may be osteoporosis, osteophytes, trauma of spine.

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The causes that provoke the pain

To be pain, rigirous in the leg, because thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins, tumors, old injuries of the spine. The reason may be a congenital abnormality of the spine, infection, metabolic disorders in patient's body.

Women this soreness is a consequence of gynecological diseases or may be a harbinger of menstruation. The male patients pain and discomfort provokes prostatitis, constant stress, and emotional overload.


Clinical picture: pain in the sacrum, rigirous feet; the tone of the muscles of the back; stiffness. Numb feet, you experience the "tingling" in his hands. It hurts to bend over, and when the hernia pain become even stronger. They give in the groin or legs. Most often, the discomfort manifests itself in the morning and by the evening the discomfort subside.

Displaced fractures of the sacrum

If the bones in the sacrum shifted to the left or to the right, the disturbed blood supply to extremities. When shifting to the right side bones of the sacrum could give in the right leg and Vice versa. Leg cramps, sore muscles. In addition to these symptoms, the patient noted a violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The result is a violation of the chair, the person loses weight. In women the problems in the field of gynecology.

If a displaced bone of the sacrum to the left side, deteriorating functioning of the heart, lungs; people often get cold. With this shift people add those extra pounds. He starts constipation.


Thrombophlebitis is the result of the operation appears in women after childbirth, inflammatory process in pelvic organs.

Sometimes thrombophlebitis of the pelvic and iliac veins occurs due to the spread of the disease beginning in the legs. Symptoms: soreness in the vagina, bladder, lumbar. It can irregurality feet. People draws attention to the emerging feeling of "pins and needles" in the extremities. They swell, the veins on them are expanding.

If acrodynia due to disease of the pelvic organs

The pain starts and due to disease of the pelvic organs. For example, when the prostate a man feels a burning sensation when urinating, worsening of potency. Irigaray pain in leg, sore genitals, discomfort starts in the rectum. The character of the pain varies from a dull to acute spasmodic pain. Acute attacks the patient simply cannot sleep.

One often suspects that develops sciatica and trying to be treated with ointments and rastirok.

During menstruation

Often pain in the rump to disturb women before menstruation. Unpleasant sensation, as if spread across the whole abdomen, give to the sacrum, lower back, hips and thighs. Discomfort arises because of deviations of the uterus. It is before the critical days increases in size, pushing on the nerves in the sacrum.

In addition to the premenstrual pain, causes the arising of discomfort is endometriosis, parametritis, cancer, change of position of the uterus (prolapse, rejection, loss) or a relaxation of the utero-sacral ligaments.

With the pinching of the sciatic nerve

If the nature of the pain aching, getting stronger with walking or other movements, often there is compression of the sciatic nerve.

If the restraint occurred on one side or the inflammation is in one place, then the pain will be on the left or right side.

With the pinching of the roots on both sides, pain is stronger andIrigaray in the pelvis. The skin is numb, worsen motor, legs weak, the man pulls the leg when walking. The patient complains that his feet no longer listen to and like deducted. In particularly difficult cases, impaired defecation and urination.


If unpleasant sensations are repeated periodically, then the patient should see a physician, e.g. gynaecologist, neurologist or traumatologist. The doctor will identify the exact cause and prescribe treatment.

First of all, the doctor will try to understand in what the reason: in the disease of the spine or is it another disease. He will examine the patient listen to patient complaints. For a more accurate diagnosis using MRI and x-rays. These methods will help eliminate the tumors, to see the state of the pelvis and sacrum. Women examined with MRI.


The main goal of a physician should be addressing the underlying disease that caused pain and discomfort. This requires an integrated approach that combines several treatment methods.


If the pain is acute, the doctor prescribes oral analgesics, which prevent soreness or injections. Less frequently used blockade of lidocaine, kenalog or novocaine. The blockade is done in the spine, joints and other places where localized inflammatory process.

Alternative methods

The doctor may prescribe treatments in manual therapy, acupuncture treatment or massage courses. These techniques to block the pain, eliminate the displacement of the organs, relieve muscle tone. They improve blood circulation in the affected area, provoke the flow of lymph.

Physical therapy

UHF, SMT and other treatments relieve swelling of the soft tissues, reduce inflammation. After the patient feels the restoration of motor activity in the lumbar and buttocks muscles. Physiotherapy treatment is chosen individually and depends on the diagnosis of the presence or absence of complications and other factors.

Complex physical therapy

During the recovery period when a removed acute pain, doctors recommend physical therapy. It can be stretching exercises. They are made calmly, without sharp movements and rhythmically. The number of repetitions of each exercise varies from 8 to 12 times. Every week the number of sets increases.

  • Lie on the floor, roll over on your back, bend your knees. Attract them to your chest. The lower back should not come off the floor.
  • Lie on the floor. Lying on your back, bend one leg, take her hands and pull toward your chest. Unbend, do the same with the other leg.
  • Stand on the floor on all fours, bend your back. Head bent. Slowly raise the head and throws back her her back. Stomach, vygeboom back.

In particularly difficult cases, spinal cord tumors and hernia treatment is only by surgical intervention.

Wearing a corset

If you cannot cure the disease or pain return again and again, doctors recommend wearing a lumbosacral corset with a medium degree of stiffness. This corset is chosen individually. It slightly restricts movement of the patient, but relieves the excessive load on the spine. Wear it at home, work in it or drive behind the wheel of a car. When pain cease to disturb the patient, the corset is removed.

podbor korseta pri bolyah v poyasnice

The choice and wearing of the corset should come up correctly:

  • Choose a product from natural materials
  • Be sure to measure when buying
  • Do not wear more than 6 hours a day
  • Not to wear on a naked body
  • Do not sleep in the corset

Traditional methods

For the treatment of pain in the sacrum can be used in recipes of traditional medicine based on natural products. This treatment can not replace medication, you can enter the complex of measures for the relief of pain.

  • Take one hundred grams of salt and dissolve it in a liter of hot water. It moisten cloth or gauze, gently squeeze. Put salt poultice, wrap it up with a handkerchief or scarf. It needs to lie on the affected area overnight. Treatment: ten procedures.
  • Clean large fruit from radish peel, grate on a grater. Applied to the affected area with cloth, pre-moistened with sunflower oil. Spread the grated pulp. The covered film, the blend towel or wrap a warm woolen scarf. Will burn, but the burning sensation was tolerable. Hold the compress for as long as there is strength to endure. If it became impossible, remove the wrap, wipe with gauze soaked in warm water, dry it with a towel. The skin lubricated with moisturizing baby cream.
  • Take fresh sawdust, and fill them with boiling water and insist in a container, cover with a lid for 20-30 minutes. Then mergewater, squeeze the sawdust, spread on cloth, cover with gauze and covered with a warm thing. Leave the poultice on all night.
  • A good remedy for pain and discomfort in the sacral division will be the policy of the baths on the basis of turpentine. Preparing a composition for the bath: take 3 bottles of castor oil, 40 grams of sodium hydroxide and 250 grams of distilled water. Add 225 grams of oleic acid and 0, 75 liters of turpentine. Mix all ingredients and pour into a warm bath. The temperature of the water contained in it should be no more than 38-39 degrees. This procedure is carried out for fifteen to twenty minutes.

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  • During and after treatment is not recommended to lift heavy weights and overload the body with physical exercise.
  • The patient should eat right, include in your diet, vitamins, products containing calcium. It's yogurt, sour cream, fermented baked milk, greens, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to wear a corset or bandage to further limit mobility in the lumbar and sacral Department.